Inside Bay Area; April 4, 2009 Jim Wunderman, president and CEO of the Bay Area Council, has written a commentary with his reasons why the main headquarters for CSUEB should be located in Oakland. The Daily Review; Mach 16, 2009 The university's College of Business and Economics is reaffirmed for accreditation. It has maintained accreditation since 1973. Contra Costa Times; March 10, 2009 CSUEB hosted a student financial aids conference, sponsored by the College Board, on the Hayward Campus March 9. ºìÁ«ÉçÇø combined server storage virtualization from 3PAR with server virtualization from VMware to reduce storage capacity requirements by 80% and power consumption by 26%, to receive financial incentives from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E).
By Jason Sweeney, The Daily Review On Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday, more than 130 people packed the wood-paneled Biella Room in the library at ºìÁ«ÉçÇø to listen to a free lecture by award-winning history professor Gerald Henig. By Kristofer Noceda, The Daily Review, Feb. 13, 2009 Cal State University officials credit outreach efforts with contributing to the rise in black students attending college. Those efforts will continue with Super Sunday, in which CSU educators visit African American churches to provide materials and information about higher education. Alumni in the NewsPurdue-Calumet News; March 13, 2009 H. Frank Cervone takes a leadership role in information technology and library resources at Purdue University Calumet Campus in Indiana. Tracy Press; March 4, 2009 Rod Buchanan, who has a master's degree in public administration from CSUEB, will head Tracy's Parks and Community Services department. Business Wire; March 24, 2009 CSUEB graduate Nieto brings over 15 years of experience to the San Francisco software company. The Daily Review; March 24, 2009 LeeAnn Chinn is recognized as the 2009 Alameda County English Learner Teacher of the Year during a conference at ºìÁ«ÉçÇø. For more information about the e-News Clips, please contact:
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