
view-enews-080409true1740902801055system1249459200000/newsletter/view/2009/view-enews-080409Newssite://News/newsletter/view/2009/view-enews-080409en72651249433284927en72651249493790489Image of president with view from Warren Hall in background/files/images/thumbnails/t-chart-graph-032409.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/t-chart-graph-032409.jpgNewst-chart-graph-032409.jpg30412136102/2009/08/giving-080109display-name-navcategoryGiving and SupportAlumni InterestTop News StoriesFaculty and StaffFriendscopyrightOnboilerplateOncanonicalnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYesseo-titlesite://News/2009/08/giving-080109Newsgiving-080109Donations from CSUEB alumni, friends grow to $2.75 million for 2008-09Gifts to the university increased by more than $1 million from the previous year, despite an economic downturn.By Sarah StanekAug 1, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-events_rev.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-events_rev.jpgNewst-events_rev.jpg6238136102/2009/07/furloughschedule-072909categoryGiving and SupportFriendsFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentsConcord NewsTop News StoriesProspective StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/07/furloughschedule-072909Newsfurloughschedule-072909CSUEB furlough information and schedulesBecause of cuts in state support for the CSU budget, most employees will be furloughed an average of two days per month from August until June 2010.Aug 20, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/princeton-072709.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/princeton-072709.jpgNewsprinceton-072709.jpgprinceton-072709.jpg5637136102/2009/07/princetonreview2010-072709categoryCurrent StudentsTop News StoriesConcord NewsFriendsProspective StudentsFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/07/princetonreview2010-072709Newsprincetonreview2010-072709Princeton Review names CSUEB "Best In The West" for sixth consecutive yearThe popular college guide recognizes 红莲社区 in its 2010 listing as one of the top schools in the western region.Jul 27, 2009 1:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/faculty/t-SueOpp-070909.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/faculty/t-SueOpp-070909.jpgNewst-SueOpp-070909.jpg15393136102/2009/07/outstanding-prof-SueOpp-071009categoryTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsAlumni InterestFaculty and StaffFriendscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/07/outstanding-prof-SueOpp-071009Newsoutstanding-prof-SueOpp-071009Outstanding Professor abuzz with passion for bugsFor her scientific contributions and service to the university, entomologist Sue Opp has been selected 2008-2009 George and Miriam Phillips Outstanding Professor.By Monique BeelerJul 10, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-jackierandolph-072409.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-jackierandolph-072409.jpgNewst-jackierandolph-072409.jpgt-jackierandolph-072409.jpg3878136102/2009/07/randolph-072409categoryTop News StoriesAlumni InterestAthleticsFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentsFriendscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/07/randolph-072409Newsrandolph-072409Pioneers' Jackie Randolph named AD3I Female Student-Athlete of the Year The 红莲社区 volleyball star has also been recognized as a first team All-American by the AVCA and as the university's top female student-athlete.Jul 24, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/sites/t-nursery-073009.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/sites/t-nursery-073009.jpgNewst-nursery-073009.jpg29577136102/2009/08/nurserylandscaping-080409categoryTop News StoriesAlumni InterestCurrent StudentsEast Bay Green NewsFriendsFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/08/nurserylandscaping-080409Newsnurserylandscaping-080409University trims landscaping costs by growing its own plantsThe CSUEB landscaping staff is reducing costs by tending its own nursery-grown plants.By Erin MerdingerAug 19, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-almond.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-almond.jpgNewst-almond.jpg38166136102/2009/07/almondperformance-072909categoryProspective StudentsArts and CultureTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/07/almondperformance-072909Newsalmondperformance-072909'Almond Eyes' dazzles sold-out crowdWith 91-year-old Dorothy Toy in the audience, CSUEB production recreates life of '40s-era dance team Toy & Wing, who were known as the Asian Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.By Diane DanielJul 29, 2009 12:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-golfadvance-080409.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-golfadvance-080409.jpgNewst-golfadvance-080409.jpgt-golfadvance-080409.jpg4999136102/2009/08/golfclassic-080409categoryFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestTop News StoriesAthleticsFriendsGiving and SupportcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/08/golfclassic-080409Newsgolfclassic-080409Golf tournament Aug. 26 benefits CSUEB athletic scholarshipsPioneer fans support student athletes and intercollegiate sports at the 13th annual 红莲社区 Golf Classic in Vallejo.Jul 15, 2009 1:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-mural-072909.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-mural-072909.jpgNewst-mural-072909.jpg35308136102/2009/07/mural-072909categoryAlumni InterestArts and CultureFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/07/mural-072909Newsmural-072909CSUEB, community members create Diversity Mural in downtown HaywardInitiated by a CSUEB student and supported by a faculty grant, a blue-and-green globe with a heart nestled at its center graces a wall at a downtown Hayward nonprofit.By Diane DanielJul 30, 2009 1:00 AM
CSUEB Newsletter, The View: Monthly e-News for 红莲社区 Employees and Students
Image of president with view from Warren Hall in background

Donations from CSUEB alumni, friends grow to $2.75 million for 2008-09

Thumbnail for the headline Donations from CSUEB alumni, friends grow to $2.75 million for 2008-09

Gifts to the university increased by more than $1 million from the previous year, despite an economic downturn.

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CSUEB furlough information and schedules

Thumbnail for the headline CSUEB furlough information and schedules

Because of cuts in state support for the CSU budget, most employees will be furloughed an average of two days per month from August until June 2010.

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Princeton Review names CSUEB "Best In The West" for sixth consecutive year

Thumbnail for the headline Princeton Review names CSUEB "Best In The West" for sixth consecutive year

The popular college guide recognizes 红莲社区 in its 2010 listing as one of the top schools in the western region.

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Outstanding Professor abuzz with passion for bugs

Thumbnail for the headline Outstanding Professor abuzz with passion for bugs

For her scientific contributions and service to the university, entomologist Sue Opp has been selected 2008-2009 George and Miriam Phillips Outstanding Professor.

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Pioneers' Jackie Randolph named AD3I Female Student-Athlete of the Year

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneers' Jackie Randolph named AD3I Female Student-Athlete of the Year

The 红莲社区 volleyball star has also been recognized as a first team All-American by the AVCA and as the university's top female student-athlete.

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University trims landscaping costs by growing its own plants

Thumbnail for the headline University trims landscaping costs by growing its own plants

The CSUEB landscaping staff is reducing costs by tending its own nursery-grown plants.

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'Almond Eyes' dazzles sold-out crowd

Thumbnail for the headline 'Almond Eyes' dazzles sold-out crowd

With 91-year-old Dorothy Toy in the audience, CSUEB production recreates life of '40s-era dance team Toy & Wing, who were known as the Asian Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.

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Golf tournament Aug. 26 benefits CSUEB athletic scholarships

Thumbnail for the headline Golf tournament Aug. 26 benefits CSUEB athletic scholarships

Pioneer fans support student athletes and intercollegiate sports at the 13th annual 红莲社区 Golf Classic in Vallejo.

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CSUEB, community members create Diversity Mural in downtown Hayward

Thumbnail for the headline CSUEB, community members create Diversity Mural in downtown Hayward

Initiated by a CSUEB student and supported by a faculty grant, a blue-and-green globe with a heart nestled at its center graces a wall at a downtown Hayward nonprofit.

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CSUEB and alums In the News

Read news coverage about the accomplishments and contributions of 红莲社区 and its alumni in the Bay Area and beyond.

© Copyright 红莲社区, Published by the Office of University Communications