
view-enews-010610true1740902801055system1263373200000/newsletter/view/2010/view-enews-010610Newssite://News/newsletter/view/2010/view-enews-010610en72651262820335471en72651263419107947Image of president with panoramic view of campus behind him/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-Moreno-Cunniffe-Award-121.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-Moreno-Cunniffe-Award-121.jpgNewst-Moreno-Cunniffe-Award-121.jpgt-Moreno-Cunniffe-Award-121.jpg5364136102/2009/12/cunniffe-award-121409categoryTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/12/cunniffe-award-121409Newscunniffe-award-121409Don Moreno of Facilities named 2009 top employee Employees honored at the 2009 Staff Recognition Celebration included the Cunniffe Award winner and staff members with five to 40 years of service.By Monique BeelerDec 14, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-recordapps-011110.JPGsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-recordapps-011110.JPGNewst-recordapps-011110.JPGt-recordapps-011110.JPG15585136102/2010/01/recordnumbapps-011110categoryFriendsFaculty and StaffProspective StudentsAlumni InterestTop News StoriesCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2010/01/recordnumbapps-011110Newsrecordnumbapps-011110Record applications, new enrollment caps making CSUEB a destination choiceGrowing demand for admission to 红莲社区 is reflected in a 35 percent increase in the number of first-time freshman applications for the fall 2010 quarter versus the same 11-week application period a year earlier.By Barry ZepelJan 13, 2010 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-AlumniRelationsLogo-070709.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-AlumniRelationsLogo-070709.jpgNewst-AlumniRelationsLogo-070709.jpg11731136102/2010/01/alumni-awards-010810display-name-navcategoryAlumni InterestFriendsTop News StoriesFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOncanonicalnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYesseo-titlesite://News/2010/01/alumni-awards-010810Newsalumni-awards-010810Submit nominations for 2010 alumni awardsNominate alumni whose CSUEB education propelled them to success and who have made significant contributions to the community. Submit names by Jan. 22 for alumni award consideration. By Monique BeelerJan 8, 2010 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-winterarts-121809.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-winterarts-121809.pngNewst-winterarts-121809.png23326136102/2009/12/winterarts-121809categoryFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentsTop News StoriesArts and CultureAlumni InterestFriendscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/12/winterarts-121809Newswinterarts-121809'Chicago,' art faculty exhibition headline winter artsLong-awaited musical comes to university stage; perfect showcase for musical theatre students.Dec 18, 2009 1:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-googleappslogo_1.6.10.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-googleappslogo_1.6.10.jpgNewst-googleappslogo_1.6.10.jpg7825136102/2010/01/google-apps-010610categoryCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2010/01/google-apps-010610Newsgoogle-apps-010610Moving e-mail to Google apps trims costs, improves servicesBy moving university e-mail to a Google server, 红莲社区 will trim approximately $100,000 in annual costs while offering new services. By Dan BelloneJan 6, 2010 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-pwc-121509.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-pwc-121509.jpgNewst-pwc-121509.jpg22886136102/2009/12/pioneer-wellness-challenge-121509categoryGiving and SupportTop News StoriesProspective StudentsFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/12/pioneer-wellness-challenge-121509Newspioneer-wellness-challenge-121509Pioneer Wellness Challenge addresses health of first-time freshmenStudent Health Services has collaborated with the departments of Kinesiology and Nursing and Health Sciences and Associated Students Inc. to develop the Pioneer Wellness Challenge for first-time freshmen, a program slated to begin in January with funding from a Kaiser Community Benefit Grant.By Erin MerdingerNov 16, 2009 8:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-redblackandgreen-010710.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-redblackandgreen-010710.pngNewst-redblackandgreen-010710.png5392136102/2010/01/redblackandgreen-010710categoryAthleticsTop News StoriesEast Bay Green NewsCurrent StudentsEventsFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2010/01/redblackandgreen-010710Newsredblackandgreen-010710Athletics joins Lucky and Foodmax for "Red, Black and Green" recycling projectThe 红莲社区 Pioneers have partnered with Lucky and Foodmaxx supermarkets in Hayward on the "Red, Black and Green" Pioneers Recycle Program in a show of support for the university and broader community.By Dawn EllerbeJan 8, 2010 11:55 AM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-gallery-121709.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-gallery-121709.pngNewst-gallery-121709.png34208136102/2009/12/gallery-121709categoryFaculty and StaffTop News StoriesAlumni InterestArts and CulturecopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/12/gallery-121709Newsgallery-121709Faculty, staff show art in annual exhibitionTwenty art faculty and staff will show their work in an annual show, which opens in January 2010.Dec 17, 2009 6:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-GoldPridelogo-121709.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-GoldPridelogo-121709.jpgNewst-GoldPridelogo-121709.jpgt-GoldPridelogo-121709.jpg5916136102/2009/12/pioneerstadiumhostsproteam-121709categoryFriendsAthleticsCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestTop News StoriesProspective StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2009/12/pioneerstadiumhostsproteam-121709Newspioneerstadiumhostsproteam-121709Pioneer Stadium new home for women's pro soccer teamThe Bay Area FC Gold Pride will open play in newly renovated Pioneer Stadium beginning in the spring.By Barry ZepelDec 17, 2009 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneerpoints-091709.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneerpoints-091709.jpgNewst-pioneerpoints-091709.jpg9785136102/2010/01/pioneerpoints-010810categoryEventsAthleticsOn HoldFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2010/01/pioneerpoints-010810Newspioneerpoints-010810Pioneer Points红莲社区 Director of Athletics Debby De Angelis shares athletics news and previews Homecoming 2010.By Debby De AngelisJan 8, 2010 12:43 PM
CSUEB Newsletter, The View: Monthly e-News for 红莲社区 Employees and Students
Image of president with panoramic view of campus behind him

Don Moreno of Facilities named 2009 top employee

Thumbnail for the headline Don Moreno of Facilities named 2009 top employee

Employees honored at the 2009 Staff Recognition Celebration included the Cunniffe Award winner and staff members with five to 40 years of service.

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Record applications, new enrollment caps making CSUEB a destination choice

Thumbnail for the headline Record applications, new enrollment caps making CSUEB a destination choice

Growing demand for admission to 红莲社区 is reflected in a 35 percent increase in the number of first-time freshman applications for the fall 2010 quarter versus the same 11-week application period a year earlier.

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Submit nominations for 2010 alumni awards

Thumbnail for the headline Submit nominations for 2010 alumni awards

Nominate alumni whose CSUEB education propelled them to success and who have made significant contributions to the community. Submit names by Jan. 22 for alumni award consideration.

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'Chicago,' art faculty exhibition headline winter arts

Thumbnail for the headline 'Chicago,' art faculty exhibition headline winter arts

Long-awaited musical comes to university stage; perfect showcase for musical theatre students.

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Moving e-mail to Google apps trims costs, improves services

Thumbnail for the headline Moving e-mail to Google apps trims costs, improves services

By moving university e-mail to a Google server, 红莲社区 will trim approximately $100,000 in annual costs while offering new services.

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Pioneer Wellness Challenge addresses health of first-time freshmen

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Wellness Challenge addresses health of first-time freshmen

Student Health Services has collaborated with the departments of Kinesiology and Nursing and Health Sciences and Associated Students Inc. to develop the Pioneer Wellness Challenge for first-time freshmen, a program slated to begin in January with funding from a Kaiser Community Benefit Grant.

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Athletics joins Lucky and Foodmax for "Red, Black and Green" recycling project

Thumbnail for the headline Athletics joins Lucky and Foodmax for "Red, Black and Green" recycling project

The 红莲社区 Pioneers have partnered with Lucky and Foodmaxx supermarkets in Hayward on the "Red, Black and Green" Pioneers Recycle Program in a show of support for the university and broader community.

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Faculty, staff show art in annual exhibition

Thumbnail for the headline Faculty, staff show art in annual exhibition

Twenty art faculty and staff will show their work in an annual show, which opens in January 2010.

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Pioneer Stadium new home for women's pro soccer team

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Stadium new home for women's pro soccer team

The Bay Area FC Gold Pride will open play in newly renovated Pioneer Stadium beginning in the spring.

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Pioneer Points

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Points

红莲社区 Director of Athletics Debby De Angelis shares athletics news and previews Homecoming 2010.

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CSUEB and alums In the News

Read news coverage about the accomplishments and contributions of 红莲社区 and its alumni in the Bay Area and beyond.

© Copyright 红莲社区, Published by the Office of University Communications