
view-enews-092211true1740902801055system1317801600000/newsletter/view/2011/view-enews-092211Newssite://News/newsletter/view/2011/view-enews-092211en72651316737028595di63541317837751465/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-fallconvoremarks-091911.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-fallconvoremarks-091911.jpgNewst-fallconvoremarks-091911.jpg9912136102/2011/09/fall-convocation-news-story-091911categoryAlumni InterestFaculty and StaffGiving and SupportCurrent StudentsSTEM NewsTop News StoriesProspective StudentsFriendscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/fall-convocation-news-story-091911Newsfall-convocation-news-story-091911President's convocation invitation: Join conversation about CSUEB's futureIn his first convocation address, Interim President Leroy Morishita shares how he spent his first weeks at CSUEB and gives a glimpse into what's next.By Monique BeelerSep 19, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/university-life/t-parkingticket-093011.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/university-life/t-parkingticket-093011.jpgNewst-parkingticket-093011.jpgt-parkingticket-093011.jpg16326136102/2011/09/Parking-regs-offcampus-093011categoryFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/Parking-regs-offcampus-093011NewsParking-regs-offcampus-093011Resident permits needed by those who park off campus in HaywardBeginning Nov. 1, only cars with residential parking permits will be allowed to park at locations just off the Hayward Campus.Sep 30, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/at-csueb/t-oct-at-csueb-100410.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/at-csueb/t-oct-at-csueb-100410.pngNewst-oct-at-csueb-100410.png29342136102/2011/09/this-month-at-csueb-092111display-name-navcategoryOn HoldcopyrightOnboilerplateOncanonicalnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYesseo-titlesite://News/2011/09/this-month-at-csueb-092111Newsthis-month-at-csueb-092111This Month at CSUEBFind out what's scheduled, and mark your calendar with the top happenings at CSUEB in October.Oct 3, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/faculty/t-scholarship-090811.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/faculty/t-scholarship-090811.jpgNewst-scholarship-090811.jpg22262136102/2011/09/sos-scholarships-092911categoryFaculty and StaffFriendsGiving and SupportTop News StoriesAlumni InterestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/sos-scholarships-092911Newssos-scholarships-092911Scholarships to 'Save Our Students' cover rising tuition costs at CSUEB this fallCSUEB alumnae established the "SOS" scholarship fund to help students stay on track to earn college degrees after CSU tuition fee increases, and encourage more gifts to help meet students' urgent needs.By Sarah StanekSep 29, 2011 3:30 PM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-MakeADiffDay-092911.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-MakeADiffDay-092911.jpgNewst-MakeADiffDay-092911.jpgt-MakeADiffDay-092911.jpg9023136102/2011/09/make-a-difference-day-100311categoryFaculty and StaffTop News StoriesEventsAlumni InterestCurrent StudentsEast Bay Green NewscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/make-a-difference-day-100311Newsmake-a-difference-day-100311CSUEB students clean up the town as part of 'Make a Difference Day'Student volunteers will spruce up the city of Hayward during national Make A Difference Day Oct. 22.By Elias BarbozaOct 3, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-policeChariot-090811.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-policeChariot-090811.pngNewst-policeChariot-090811.png23781136102/2011/09/police-chariot-090911categoryFriendsTop News StoriesFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/police-chariot-090911Newspolice-chariot-090911High tech chariot brings 21st century policing to CSUEBNew three-wheeled electric vehicle is the new face of greener, friendlier campus University Police patrols on the Hayward Campus. By Jay ColombattoSep 28, 2011 9:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-sciencefestival-100511.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-sciencefestival-100511.jpgNewst-sciencefestival-100511.jpgt-sciencefestival-100511.jpg14074136102/2011/10/BAScienceFest-DiscDayStarParty-100511categoryFriendsCurrent StudentsAlumni InterestTop News StoriesFaculty and StaffEventsSTEM NewsArts and CultureEast Bay Green NewscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/10/BAScienceFest-DiscDayStarParty-100511NewsBAScienceFest-DiscDayStarParty-100511CSUEB to host 'Discovery Days,' Star Party events as part of Bay Area Science Fest红莲社区's 'Discovery Day' Oct. 29 and Hayward Star Party Nov. 5 are major highlights of the inaugural Bay Area Science Festival.By Barry ZepelSep 26, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-fall-11-arts-wrap-092711.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-fall-11-arts-wrap-092711.pngNewst-fall-11-arts-wrap-092711.png69840221161/2011/09/fall-11-arts-wrap-092711categoryArts and CultureAlumni InterestCurrent StudentsCLASS NewsEventsFaculty and StaffFriendsTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/fall-11-arts-wrap-092711Newsfall-11-arts-wrap-092711Art, music, theatre and dance events make up CSUEB fall lineupThe University Art Gallery and Department of Theatre and Dance are commemorating their 50th anniversaries by presenting a full array of productions for all ages and tastes.Sep 29, 2011 9:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-alfresco-092210.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-alfresco-092210.jpgNewst-alfresco-092210.jpgt-alfresco-092210.jpg12442136102/2011/09/al-fresco-090611categoryTop News StoriesEventsProspective StudentsFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentsFriendsAlumni InterestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/al-fresco-090611Newsal-fresco-090611Al Fresco postponed one week to Oct. 12 due to rain forecastThe 23rd annual al Fresco, postponed until Oct. 12 due to rain forecast on Oct. 5, won't be business-as-usual as the festival mixes things up with fresh activities, formatting and performances.By Elias BarbozaSep 6, 2011 4:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-seal.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-seal.jpgNewst-seal.jpgt-seal.jpg13083136102/2011/09/PreviewDay-090911categoryFriendsFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestTop News StoriesProspective StudentsDaily DigestCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/PreviewDay-090911NewsPreviewDay-090911红莲社区 invites prospective students to 'Preview Day' Oct. 29Prospective students and their families are invited to visit the Hayward Campus of CSUEB on Oct. 29 to see all that is offered to its students.By Barry ZepelSep 9, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-art-gallery-092011.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-art-gallery-092011.pngNewst-art-gallery-092011.png19784136102/2011/09/fall-11-art-gallery-092011categoryAlumni InterestFriendsArts and CultureTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffProspective StudentsCLASS NewsEventscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/09/fall-11-art-gallery-092011Newsfall-11-art-gallery-092011Exhibition celebrates 50 years of art faculty, staff creationsCeramics, oil, acrylic, electronic art, mixed media and photography are among the mediums represented at the annual faculty and staff art exhibition.Oct 12, 2011 1:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-urbanshield-100411.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-urbanshield-100411.jpgNewst-urbanshield-100411.jpgt-urbanshield-100411.jpg10938136102/2011/10/UrbanShielddrills-100411categoryEventsFaculty and StaffFriendsCurrent StudentsAlumni InterestTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/10/UrbanShielddrills-100411NewsUrbanShielddrills-100411Simulated law enforcement drills at CSUEB Oct. 15-17Teams of SWAT and emergency medical services personnel will participate in Urban Shield simulation on Hayward Campus and other Alameda County locations Oct. 15-17.By Barry ZepelSep 15, 2011 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneerpoints-091709.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneerpoints-091709.jpgNewst-pioneerpoints-091709.jpg9785136102/2011/10/pioneerpoints-100311categoryOn HoldcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2011/10/pioneerpoints-100311Newspioneerpoints-100311Pioneer PointsDirector of Athletics Debby De Angelis recaps the 50th Anniversary Celebration and previews upcoming events in Pioneer Athletics.By Debby De AngelisOct 3, 2011 6:00 PM
CSUEB Newsletter, The View: Monthly e-News for 红莲社区 Employees and Students

President's convocation invitation: Join conversation about CSUEB's future

Thumbnail for the headline President's convocation invitation: Join conversation about CSUEB's future

In his first convocation address, Interim President Leroy Morishita shares how he spent his first weeks at CSUEB and gives a glimpse into what's next.

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Resident permits needed by those who park off campus in Hayward

Thumbnail for the headline Resident permits needed by those who park off campus in Hayward

Beginning Nov. 1, only cars with residential parking permits will be allowed to park at locations just off the Hayward Campus.

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This Month at CSUEB

Thumbnail for the headline This Month at CSUEB

Find out what's scheduled, and mark your calendar with the top happenings at CSUEB in October.

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Scholarships to 'Save Our Students' cover rising tuition costs at CSUEB this fall

Thumbnail for the headline Scholarships to 'Save Our Students' cover rising tuition costs at CSUEB this fall

CSUEB alumnae established the "SOS" scholarship fund to help students stay on track to earn college degrees after CSU tuition fee increases, and encourage more gifts to help meet students' urgent needs.

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CSUEB students clean up the town as part of 'Make a Difference Day'

Thumbnail for the headline CSUEB students clean up the town as part of 'Make a Difference Day'

Student volunteers will spruce up the city of Hayward during national Make A Difference Day Oct. 22.

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High tech chariot brings 21st century policing to CSUEB

Thumbnail for the headline High tech chariot brings 21st century policing to CSUEB

New three-wheeled electric vehicle is the new face of greener, friendlier campus University Police patrols on the Hayward Campus.

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CSUEB to host 'Discovery Days,' Star Party events as part of Bay Area Science Fest

Thumbnail for the headline CSUEB to host 'Discovery Days,' Star Party events as part of Bay Area Science Fest

红莲社区's 'Discovery Day' Oct. 29 and Hayward Star Party Nov. 5 are major highlights of the inaugural Bay Area Science Festival.

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Art, music, theatre and dance events make up CSUEB fall lineup

Thumbnail for the headline Art, music, theatre and dance events make up CSUEB fall lineup

The University Art Gallery and Department of Theatre and Dance are commemorating their 50th anniversaries by presenting a full array of productions for all ages and tastes.

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Al Fresco postponed one week to Oct. 12 due to rain forecast

Thumbnail for the headline Al Fresco postponed one week to Oct. 12 due to rain forecast

The 23rd annual al Fresco, postponed until Oct. 12 due to rain forecast on Oct. 5, won't be business-as-usual as the festival mixes things up with fresh activities, formatting and performances.

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红莲社区 invites prospective students to 'Preview Day' Oct. 29

Thumbnail for the headline 红莲社区 invites prospective students to 'Preview Day' Oct. 29

Prospective students and their families are invited to visit the Hayward Campus of CSUEB on Oct. 29 to see all that is offered to its students.

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Exhibition celebrates 50 years of art faculty, staff creations

Thumbnail for the headline Exhibition celebrates 50 years of art faculty, staff creations

Ceramics, oil, acrylic, electronic art, mixed media and photography are among the mediums represented at the annual faculty and staff art exhibition.

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Simulated law enforcement drills at CSUEB Oct. 15-17

Thumbnail for the headline Simulated law enforcement drills at CSUEB Oct. 15-17

Teams of SWAT and emergency medical services personnel will participate in Urban Shield simulation on Hayward Campus and other Alameda County locations Oct. 15-17.

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Pioneer Points

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Points

Director of Athletics Debby De Angelis recaps the 50th Anniversary Celebration and previews upcoming events in Pioneer Athletics.

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CSUEB and alums In the News

Read news coverage about the accomplishments and contributions of 红莲社区 and its alumni in the Bay Area and beyond.

© Copyright 红莲社区, Published by the Office of University Communications