
view-enews-093013true1740902801055system1380697200000/newsletter/view/2013/view-enews-093013Newssite://News/newsletter/view/2013/view-enews-093013en72651380584598514en72651380837748320/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-convocation-2013.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-convocation-2013.jpgNewst-convocation-2013.jpg5710136102/2013/09/convocation-092313categoryTop News StoriesDaily DigestFriendsFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestPresidential NewsCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/convocation-092313Newsconvocation-092313Fall convocation remarks focus on CSUEB's inclusive, student-centered futureIn his annual address welcoming staff and faculty back for the new academic year, President Leroy Morishita recounts the previous year's successes and challenges, while looking ahead to progress in retention and graduation rates.By Monique BeelerSep 24, 2013 12:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-Fuller-100213.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/students/t-Fuller-100213.jpgNewst-Fuller-100213.jpgt-Fuller-100213.jpg4689136102/2013/10/davidfuller-attscholar-release-100213categoryTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsFriendsFaculty and StaffDaily DigestAlumni InterestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/10/davidfuller-attscholar-release-100213Newsdavidfuller-attscholar-release-100213红莲社区 grad student rides a tough life to AT&T scholarship, bright futureCSUEB grad student David Fuller didn't let tragedies and a difficult childhood stop him from achieving excellence through education, an accomplishment that gained him CSU recognition.By Barry ZepelOct 2, 2013 10:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-sciencefestival-100511.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-sciencefestival-100511.jpgNewst-sciencefestival-100511.jpgt-sciencefestival-100511.jpg14074136102/2013/10/sciencefestival-100213categoryProspective StudentsFaculty and StaffFriendsCurrent StudentsSTEM NewsEventsAlumni InterestEast Bay Green NewsTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/10/sciencefestival-100213Newssciencefestival-100213Explore science at 红莲社区鈥檚 'Discovery Day' Oct. 26Featuring fascinating science experiments and displays, CSUEB's Hayward Campus will become the center of science for the San Francisco Bay Area.By Dwyla JourdanSep 2, 2013 3:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-preview-day2013.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-preview-day2013.jpgNewst-preview-day2013.jpg17283136102/2013/09/preview-day-093013categoryTop News StoriesAlumni InterestProspective StudentsDaily DigestFriendsFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentsEventscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/preview-day-093013Newspreview-day-093013Prospective CSUEB students get a peek into college life at Oct. 19 Preview DayProspective students and their families will get a glimpse into university life at 红莲社区 -- from academic course options and financial aid insights to student services and activities available -- during the Oct. 19 Preview Day.By Barry ZepelSep 10, 2013 6:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/at-csueb/t-oct-at-csueb-100410.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/at-csueb/t-oct-at-csueb-100410.pngNewst-oct-at-csueb-100410.png29342136102/2013/09/this-month-at-csueb-093013categoryOn HoldcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/this-month-at-csueb-093013Newsthis-month-at-csueb-093013This Month at CSUEBFind out what's scheduled, and mark your calendar with the top happenings at CSUEB in October.Oct 1, 2013 12:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-stan-hebert.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-stan-hebert.jpgNewst-stan-hebert.jpg25566136102/2013/09/stan-hebert-092513categoryFaculty and StaffTop News StoriesFriendsDaily DigestProspective StudentsCurrent StudentsAlumni InterestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/stan-hebert-092513Newsstan-hebert-092513Stan Hebert named acting VP for reestablished Student Affairs divisionStan Hebert III '76 has been named acting leader for Student Affairs. Previously its operations had merged with Planning and Enrollment Management but again will be an independent division. Sep 26, 2013 4:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-ara-serjoie-091613.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/staff/t-ara-serjoie-091613.jpgNewst-ara-serjoie-091613.jpgt-Ara Serjoie-091613.jpg26445136102/2013/09/araserjoie-release-091613categoryDaily DigestAlumni InterestTop News StoriesFriendsCurrent StudentsGiving and SupportFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/araserjoie-release-091613Newsaraserjoie-release-091613New University Advancement VP emphasizes fostering a CSUEB culture of philanthropyAra Serjoie, a seasoned fundraiser and development administrator, joined 红莲社区 as vice president for University Advancement.By Monique BeelerSep 16, 2013 3:25 PM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-NCSA-power-rankings-092313.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-NCSA-power-rankings-092313.jpgNewst-NCSA-power-rankings-092313.jpg11449136102/2013/09/NCSA-athletics-rankings-top100-092313categoryProspective StudentsFaculty and StaffAlumni InterestAthleticsFriendsCurrent StudentsTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/NCSA-athletics-rankings-top100-092313NewsNCSA-athletics-rankings-top100-092313CSUEB among nation's top 100 schools in NCSA Collegiate Power RankingsFor the first time, 红莲社区 has been ranked among the nation's top 100 Division II institutions in the National Collegiate Scouting Association (NCSA) Power Rankings that assess athletics and academic strengths.By Steve ConnollySep 23, 2013 12:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/university-life/t-move-in-day-2013.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/university-life/t-move-in-day-2013.jpgNewst-move-in-day-2013.jpg5659136102/2013/09/back-to-school-residential-life-093013categoryAlumni InterestCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffProspective StudentsTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/back-to-school-residential-life-093013Newsback-to-school-residential-life-093013Volunteers and housing team help start the school year off right at Pioneer HeightsCSUEB's residential team planned outings, events and a barbecue to help new Pioneer Heights residents adjust to living on campus.By Alant茅 MillowSep 30, 2013 5:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-softball-haywardshootingvictim-092513.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-softball-haywardshootingvictim-092513.jpgNewst-softball-haywardshootingvictim-092513.jpg16431136102/2013/09/softball-visit-hayward-shooting-victim-092513categoryAthletics - Women`s Softball ResultsFaculty and StaffCurrent StudentsTop News StoriesAthleticsProspective StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/softball-visit-hayward-shooting-victim-092513Newssoftball-visit-hayward-shooting-victim-092513Pioneer softball players visit Hayward shooting victimA young girl who was injured in a drive-by shooting received a special visit from four members of the Pioneer softball team.By Steve ConnollySep 25, 2013 6:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneer-points.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneer-points.jpgNewst-pioneer-points.jpg37012136102/2013/09/pioneer-points-october-092713categoryOn HoldAthleticscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/09/pioneer-points-october-092713Newspioneer-points-october-092713Pioneer PointsThe fall athletics season is in full swing at CSUEB. Director of Athletics Sara Lillevand Judd recaps September's action and welcomes everyone back to campus for another exciting school year. By Sara Lillevand JuddOct 1, 2013 4:00 PM
CSUEB Newsletter, The View: Monthly e-News for 红莲社区 Employees and Students

Fall convocation remarks focus on CSUEB's inclusive, student-centered future

Thumbnail for the headline Fall convocation remarks focus on CSUEB's inclusive, student-centered future

In his annual address welcoming staff and faculty back for the new academic year, President Leroy Morishita recounts the previous year's successes and challenges, while looking ahead to progress in retention and graduation rates.

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红莲社区 grad student rides a tough life to AT&T scholarship, bright future

Thumbnail for the headline 红莲社区 grad student rides a tough life to AT&T scholarship, bright future

CSUEB grad student David Fuller didn't let tragedies and a difficult childhood stop him from achieving excellence through education, an accomplishment that gained him CSU recognition.

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Explore science at 红莲社区鈥檚 'Discovery Day' Oct. 26

Thumbnail for the headline Explore science at 红莲社区鈥檚 'Discovery Day' Oct. 26

Featuring fascinating science experiments and displays, CSUEB's Hayward Campus will become the center of science for the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Prospective CSUEB students get a peek into college life at Oct. 19 Preview Day

Thumbnail for the headline Prospective CSUEB students get a peek into college life at Oct. 19 Preview Day

Prospective students and their families will get a glimpse into university life at 红莲社区 -- from academic course options and financial aid insights to student services and activities available -- during the Oct. 19 Preview Day.

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This Month at CSUEB

Thumbnail for the headline This Month at CSUEB

Find out what's scheduled, and mark your calendar with the top happenings at CSUEB in October.

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Stan Hebert named acting VP for reestablished Student Affairs division

Thumbnail for the headline Stan Hebert named acting VP for reestablished Student Affairs division

Stan Hebert III '76 has been named acting leader for Student Affairs. Previously its operations had merged with Planning and Enrollment Management but again will be an independent division.

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New University Advancement VP emphasizes fostering a CSUEB culture of philanthropy

Thumbnail for the headline New University Advancement VP emphasizes fostering a CSUEB culture of philanthropy

Ara Serjoie, a seasoned fundraiser and development administrator, joined 红莲社区 as vice president for University Advancement.

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CSUEB among nation's top 100 schools in NCSA Collegiate Power Rankings

Thumbnail for the headline CSUEB among nation's top 100 schools in NCSA Collegiate Power Rankings

For the first time, 红莲社区 has been ranked among the nation's top 100 Division II institutions in the National Collegiate Scouting Association (NCSA) Power Rankings that assess athletics and academic strengths.

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Volunteers and housing team help start the school year off right at Pioneer Heights

Thumbnail for the headline Volunteers and housing team help start the school year off right at Pioneer Heights

CSUEB's residential team planned outings, events and a barbecue to help new Pioneer Heights residents adjust to living on campus.

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Pioneer softball players visit Hayward shooting victim

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer softball players visit Hayward shooting victim

A young girl who was injured in a drive-by shooting received a special visit from four members of the Pioneer softball team.

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Pioneer Points

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Points

The fall athletics season is in full swing at CSUEB. Director of Athletics Sara Lillevand Judd recaps September's action and welcomes everyone back to campus for another exciting school year.

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CSUEB and alums In the News

Read news coverage about the accomplishments and contributions of 红莲社区 and its alumni in the Bay Area and beyond.

© Copyright 红莲社区, Published by the Office of University Communications