- Office of the President
- Current Initiatives
- WSCUC Accreditation Reaffirmation
- Financial Sustainability
- 2024-25 Colleges Reorganization
- Leadership Searches
- President's Equity Council
- Other Initiatives
- Faculty and Staff Housing
- Affinity-based Student Success and Resource Centers
- Post-COVID Opportunity Scan
- Partnership for University Latine/x Success & Opportunity (PULSO)
- Review of Low Degree Conferring (LDC) Programs
- Scaling Career Services Task Force
- Working Professional Recruitment and Service Task Force
- Future Directions strategic planning
- Messages from the President
- 2025 Messages
- Happy Holidays & Save the Dates for Spring!
- WSCUC Accreditation Update & Offsite Review
- Spring Block Parties – Save the Dates!
- Fall Recess and Thanksgiving
- Concerns About Safety and Well-Being of Our Campus Community
- Post-election Support Resources
- Update on Leadership Searches
- Findings on 2024 belong@csueastbay Campus Climate Survey
- Join us for Science in the Park October 5
- ºìÁ«ÉçÇø Participates in 2024 Ballot Bowl: Voter Registration for November Elections
- President’s Budget Reduction Update
- Invitation to ºìÁ«ÉçÇø HSI Summit on September 27th
- Joint message from President and Senate Officers regarding College Reorganization Consultation Plan
- The 2024 Fall Convocation recording is now available
- Campus update – MPP position eliminations
- Administrator/Staff Reduction FAQ
- Update on Budget and Deficit Reduction Initiatives
- Announcing Interim Leadership for AY24-25
- Announcing Our New Mascot
- Provost Search Update
- Update: ºìÁ«ÉçÇø Accreditation Reaffirmation Visit Spring 2025
- Ribbon-cutting for the Queer United Student Success Center
- Progress Update: Future Directions SMART Actions
- Announcing launch of Provost search
- Title IX and DHR Update
- Upcoming Communications: Stay Tuned for Important Updates
- Title IX Updates
- 2023 Messages
- Happy Holidays from President Sandeen
- Future Directions SMART Action Update-Year One
- Statement Condemning Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia
- A Message of Gratitude and Reflection
- Update on the Concord Center
- Update on Faculty-Staff Housing Task Force
- Update on Childcare Task Force
- College of Health Decision
- Updates on Leadership Searches
- CSU Directive on Low Degree-Conferring Programs
- I Stand with Immigrants
- Next Steps on the Working Professionals Task Force
- Next Steps on the Scaling Career Services Task Force
- Reminder of Support Resources Available Following Escalation in Middle East
- Welcome/Welcome Back to ºìÁ«ÉçÇø
- State of California Title IX Audit Report
- Cozen O'Connor Assessment Report
- Mildred GarcÃa Appointed 11th CSU Chancellor
- Conclusion of Cozen O’Connor Assessment
- CSU Presidential Review Criteria
- A message from Interim Chancellor - President Sandeen Triennial Review
- Recreation and University Union - Proposed Fee Increases
- 2023 Budget Principles
- Financial Stability Process Memo
- Deep Dive into Future Directions
- CSU Budget Reallocation Update
- Letter to Our Campus Community: The Death of Tyre Nichols
- Announcing new Working Professional Task Force
- Announcing new College of Health Implementation Task Force
- Announcing new Scaling Career Services Task Force
- Support for Lunar New Year Tragedy
- Title IX/DHR Update
- 2022 Messages
- Kathleen Wong(Lau), Ph.D. Named University Diversity Officer
- Reimagining the Concord Campus Update
- Staff Wellness, Enrichment and Engagement Team (SWEET)
- Sharing the Reimagining the Concord Campus Task Force report
- Upcoming Title IX Organizational Assessment visit
- Recent DACA Decision and Our Response
- ºìÁ«ÉçÇø Accreditation Reaffirmation Visit Spring 2025
- Chancellor Koester Message Regarding Title IX Assessment
- With Renewed Commitment to Serve Our Black Community Members
- A Message from Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester
- Staff Salary Equity Study
- Diversity Office Update
- Near-Final Future Directions Draft for Feedback
- Evelyn Buchanan Appointed Vice President for University Advancement
- Applied Sciences Center Receives Full Donor Funding
- Myeshia Armstrong appointed Vice President for Administration & Finance
- Grand Opening of Student Success Centers on Thursday, March 17
- A message from President Sandeen regarding CSU Trustees' acceptance of Chancellor Castro's resignation
- Walt Jacobs, Ph.D., named Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Professor Enrique Salmón appointed as ºìÁ«ÉçÇø Inaugural Tribal Liaison
- ºìÁ«ÉçÇø Title IX Responsibilities to Our Community
- ºìÁ«ÉçÇø to return to scheduled course delivery Monday, Jan. 31
- ºìÁ«ÉçÇø named to #CaliforniansForAll College Corps
- Welcome to Spring Semester 2022
- Update on the Beginning of Spring 2022 Semester
- CSU to Require Vaccination Boosters
- 2021 Messages
- With gratitude, from President Sandeen
- Telecommuting program to begin January 2022
- My Story, My Truth Assessment Results
- Launching Our Future Directions Strategic Planning Initiative
- In Support of Our DACA Students
- CSU COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Students, Faculty and Staff
- Updated University Guidance on Face Coverings at ºìÁ«ÉçÇø
- Looking Forward to Seeing Everyone Again
- Looking forward beyond COVID-19
- CSU to require immunization against COVID-19
- If one of us, then all of us: A statement asking for grace, compassion and togetherness
- Housing Task Force Report
- Post-COVID opportunity scan
- COVID-19 One Year Later
- Establishment of Affinity-Based Student Success Centers
- Welcome to Spring 2021 Semester
- Our Role in Preserving Our Democracy
- A Greeting from President Cathy Sandeen
- 2024 Campus Climate Assessment
- My Story My Truth
- Freedom of Speech & Expression
- Title IX/DHR
- Contact the Civil Rights Office
- Reporting and Options
- Support Services
- Confidentiality
- Title IX Coordinator
- Events & Involvement
- Resources for Students
- Resources for Staff and Faculty
- Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Students
- Help a Friend
- Education & FAQs
- Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR)
- Policies and Procedures
- notice-of-non-discrimination-2024-25.pdf
- Cozen O'Connor Title IX and DHR Assessment
- In the News
- Presidential History
- Downloadable Images
Common Myths and Facts about Sexual Violence
- Myth: Individuals provoke Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault by the way they dress or when they act in a promiscuous manner.
Fact: Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault is never the fault of the victim. Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault is an act of violence and control that stems from a person’s determination to exercise power over another. Neither the way a person dresses nor their previous sexual behavior with anyone are invitations for sexual activity. Engaging in sexual activity with another person without that person’s Affirmative Consent is Sexual Assault, regardless of the way that person dresses or acts. - Myth: If a person goes to a bar or back to someone’s room or house, they assume the risk of Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault. If something happens later, they can’t claim that they were raped or sexually assaulted because they should have known not to go to those places.
Fact: This idea of an “assumption of risk” wrongfully places the responsibility of the offender’s action with the victim. Engaging in sexual activity with another person without that person’s Affirmative Consent is Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault, regardless of where it happens. Even if a person went voluntarily to someone’s home or room and consented to engage in some sexual activity, this does not serve as Affirmative Consent for all sexual activity. CSU policy defines Sexual Misconduct to include any sexual activity without Affirmative Consent. Affirmative Consent means informed, affirmative, voluntary, and mutual agreement to engage in sexual activity. Each person involved is responsible to ensure that they have the Affirmative Consent of the other participant(s). When in doubt if the person is comfortable with sexual activity, or a different form of sexual activity, stop and ask. - Myth: It is not Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault if it happens after drinking or taking drugs.
Fact: Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not an invitation for sexual activity. A person under the influence does not cause others to assault them; others choose to take advantage of the situation and sexually assault them because they are in a vulnerable position. A person who is incapacitated due to the influence of alcohol or drugs is not able to consent to sexual activity. - Myth: Most Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assaults are committed by strangers. It’s not rape if the people involved know each other.
Fact: Most Sexual Assaults are committed by someone the victim knows. A Department of Justice study found that eight out of ten rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. Most often, an intimate partner or former intimate partner, classmate, friend, acquaintance, or co-worker sexually victimized the person. - Myth: Rape can be avoided if women avoid dark alleys or other “dangerous” places where strangers might be hiding or lurking.
Fact: Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault can occur at any time, in many places, to anyone. As noted in Myth 4 above, most Sexual Assaults are committed not by strangers, but by someone known to the victim. The majority of Sexual Assaults occur at or near the victim's home. - Myth: A person who has really experienced Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault will be hysterical.
Fact: A person who has experienced Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault may exhibit a spectrum of responses to the assault which can include: calm, hysteria, withdrawal, anxiety, anger, apathy, denial, and shock. Being sexually assaulted is a very traumatic experience. Reaction to the assault and the length of time needed to process through the experience vary with each person. There is no “right way” to react to being sexually assaulted. Assumptions about the way a person “should act” may be detrimental because each person copes in different ways. - Myth: A person who has experienced Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault will report the crime immediately to the police. If they do not report it or delay in reporting it, then they must have changed their minds after it happened, wanted revenge, or didn’t want to look like they were sexually active.
Fact: There are many reasons why a person may not report the assault to the police or campus officials. It is not easy to talk about being sexually assaulted and can feel very shameful. The experience of retelling what happened may cause the person to relive the trauma. Another reason for delaying a report or not making a report is the fear of retaliation by the offender. There is also the fear of being blamed, not being believed, and being required to go through judicial proceedings. Just because a person does not report the incident does not mean it did not happen. - Myth: Only heterosexual women are assaulted.
Fact: The belief that only young, pretty women are sexually assaulted stems from the myth that sexual assault is based on sex and physical attraction. Sexual assault is a crime of power and control. Offenders often choose people whom they perceive as most vulnerable to attack or over whom they believe they can assert power. Men and boys are also sexually assaulted, as well as persons with disabilities. Assumptions about the “typical” victim might lead others not to report the assault because they do not fit the stereotypical victim. - Myth: It’s only Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault if the victim puts up a fight and resists.
Fact: There are a number of reasons why a person who is sexually assaulted may not resist. They may experience an involuntary response to what is happening that physically prevents them from resisting or moving (sometimes called “tonic immobility”). A person may also fear that if they resist, they will anger their attacker, resulting in more severe injury. Many assault experts say that victims should trust their instincts and intuition and do what they believe will most likely keep them alive. Not fighting or resisting an attack does not equal consent. - Myth: Someone can only be sexually assaulted if a weapon was involved.
Fact: In many cases of Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault, a weapon is not involved. The offender often uses physical strength, physical violence, intimidation, threats, or a combination of these tactics to overpower the victim. Although the presence of a weapon while committing the assault may result in a higher penalty or criminal charge, the absence of a weapon does not mean that the offender cannot be held responsible, criminally or otherwise, for a Sexual Assault.