

红莲社区's Concord Center offers a B.A. in Sociology dedicated to providing students with tools and opportunities to critically examine social life, including the full range of social problems. Students learn specifically about the workings of social institutions, patterns of group life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Students who choose the option in social services will learn basic principles and practices in applying this perspective to support individuals, families and groups, or for going on to do graduate study in social work, public administration or counseling.

Students will increase their appreciation of the value of all human beings and a commitment to an inclusive and just society that addresses the needs of all groups of people. In acquiring a deep understanding of the structure of groups, organizations, and societies -- and human interaction within these contexts, our students develop their capacity for more personally rewarding and socially responsible participation and leadership in their families, their work, their communities, society as a whole.

For more information, visit CSUEB's Sociology website