Barbara Storms, EdD Faculty Profile

Photo of Barbara Storms

Barbara  Storms, EdD

Professor Emerita

Department of Educational Leadership

Barbara A. Storms, Ed.D., Northern Arizona University. Dr. Storms has been active in curriculum, instruction, and assessment reform efforts for over thirty years, first as a secondary teacher and school administrator in urban schools, then as a program administrator/ researcher at Educational Testing Service, and as a faculty member in the Department of Educational Leadership at 红莲社区.

Before joining CSUEB, Dr. Storms did extensive curriculum development work in language arts, literacy, and social studies in a large, urban school district in Southern California. She was a teacher-consultant for the California Writing Project, a research consultant with the National Writing Project, and a staff developer for a nationally recognized high school magnet program for writing across the curriculum. She also researched the relationship between teacher training in writing instruction and student achievement by studying the effectiveness of classroom writing assignments; evaluated efforts to provide high school students with early feedback on the quality of their writing for college writing placement exams; and helped design and conduct the 1998 NAEP Special Study for Classroom Writing. Recently, she did research for the National Writing Project about how teacher-scorers define and evaluate aspects of student writing. In addition, Dr. Storms worked on state and national research and development projects related to content standards, performance assessment, and teacher induction. She coordinated the design of a state-level non-prescriptive, standards-based portfolio assessment system to evaluate classroom-based student performance in language arts and mathematics.

While at CSUEB, Dr. Storms did extensive research and writing on the school leaders' use of inquiry to develop their leadership skills and to bring about school reform. She was part of the planning groups for both the Joint Doctoral Program with SFSU, SJSU and UCB, and also the Educational Leadership for Social Justice Doctoral Program at CSUEB. While Dr. Storms retired from in Winter 2010, she continues to support CSUEB students through the online Master's of Science in Educational Leadership program. In addition, she continues to work with doctoral students, serving on committees and mentoring students.

Dr. Storms' current research efforts include the implementation of a doctoral program at CSUEB. In addition, Dr. Storms continues to work with the National Writing Project in the large scale assessments of student writing.

  • BA 1977, San Diego State University
  • MA 1984, Point Loma College
  • EdD 1988, Northern Arizona University

Not teaching this quarter.

Storms, B.A. & Rodriguez, G. M. (2012). The role of inquiry in teacher leadership: Examining student achievement in multicultural settings. Multicultural Education In Practice: Transforming One Community at a Time. Ramirez, L. & Gallergo, O. (Ed.S). (in press). CABE. 

Di Pardo, A., Storms, B.A. & Selland, M. (2011). Seeing Voices: Assessing Writerly Stance in the NWP Analytic Writing Continuum. Assessing Writing. (16 (2011) pp. 170-188). doi:10.1016/j.asw.2011.01.003. 

Storms, B.A., Prada, M.J. & Donahue, E.N. (2011). Advising doctoral students to degree completion. Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. (Connexions Web site: vol. 23. 

Winkelman, P., Collay, M. & Storms, B.A. (2009). Inquiry as pedagogy: Preparing aspiring administrators to lead for equity.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego. 

Storms, B. A. & Lee. G. (2008). Assessing the Influence of Educational Leadership Programs on how New School Leaders View their Emerging Role. Paper presented at the annual International Conference on Education, Hawaii, January. (.) 

Figueroa, J. & Storms, B.A. (2006). I'm scared and I don't know how to succeed. Exchanges: Teaching and Learning in the CSU. ( 

Storms, B.A. & Gonzales, S. A. (2006). A Model for Successful District-Based Leadership Development Partnerships.Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. (Vol 18: 35-49). CAPEA: Caddo Gap Press. 

Brynjulson, M. & Storms, B.A., (2005). Coming together: One district's inquiry. Leadership. (34:3, 16-19). ACSA. 

Storms, B.A. & Gordon, A (2005). Inquiry as a Strategy for Leading School Improvement. Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. (Vol 17, 59-74). CAPEA:Caddo Gap Press. 

Storms, B.A & Lee, G. (2005). The Contribution of Inquiry to Developing Collaborative Leaders. In C. Fulmer & F.L. Dembowski (Eds.), National Summit on School Leadership: Crediting the Past, Challenging the Present, and Changing the Future, Eleventh Annual Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. (187-196). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 

Storms, B.A (2004). The Influence of Accountability on School Leaders School Improvement Efforts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego. 

Lee, G. & Storms, B. A. (2003). Using research to improve practice: The role of educational leaders and those who prepare them. Department of Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. (Vol 15: 85-94). CAPEA: Caddo Gap Press. 

Szabo, M. A., Storms, B.A., Rodriguez, G.M., & Gonzales, S.A. (2003). From Soloists to Ensemble: Shared Accountability for Leadership Preparation. Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. (Vol. 15: 73-84). CAPEA:Caddo Gap Press. 

Lee, G, Storms, B.A., Bronzini, P. & Camp, M. (2002). When School Leaders Use Inquiry as a Reform Tool: Developing Leadership for Collaboration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego. 

Szabo, M., Gonzales, S.A., Hoagland, G., Hopkins, P., Kass, M., Lopez, J., Rodriguez, G.M., & Storms, B.A. (2002). Effective Strategies for Teaching Bold, Socially Responsible Leadership.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans. 

Storms, B. A. & Lee. G. (2001). CFASST implementation and reflective practice: The interplay of structures and perceptions.Issues in Teacher Education. (Vol. 15: 85-94). CA Assoc of Teacher Educators. 

Szabo, M., Hoagland, G., Lopez, J., Stern, J., Storms, B.A., & Vieth, R. (2001). Developing Bold, Socially Responsible Leadership: Strategies for Administrative Preparation Programs.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Seattle. 

Lee, G. & Storms, B.A., (2001). Leadership Agency and Educational Reform: The Centrality of Leaders Theories of Action. . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Seattle. 

Storms, B.A. & Lee, G. (2001). How Differences in Program Implementation Influence Opportunities for Developing Reflective Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Seattle. 

Storms, B. A. & Cowan, G. (2000). Developing teacher-leaders: Using student portfolios to reflect on teaching and learning.Tennesse English Journal. (October). 

Storms, B. A., Riazantseva, A. & Gentile, C (2000). Focusing on content and communication.. California English. (5:4,26-27). CATE. 

Lee, G. & Storms, B. A. (1999). Evolving Conceptions of School Leadership: Preparing Administrators for Cultures of Inquiry.Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. (Vol 11, 71-82). CAPEA:Caddo Gap Press. 

Storms, B.A (1998). The Dreaded Question. California English. (Vol 4:1, p. 15). Califoria Association of Teachers of English. 

Lee, G. & Storms, B.A., (1998). Evolving Conceptions of School Leadership: Preparing Administrators for Cultures of Inquiry.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego. 

Sheingold, K., Heller, J.I., & Storms, B.A (1997). On the Mutual Influence of Teachers' Professional Development and Assessment Quality in Curricular Reform. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago. 

Storms, B.A., Nunez, A. M. & Thomas, W.H. (1996). Using Portfolios to Demonstrate Student Skills. Thrust for Educational Leadership. (Vol 25:7, p. 6-8). 

One University's Efforts To Reach a Common Understanding of What Constitutes Doctoral Level Work, January 7, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii International Conference on Education

Assessing Voice in Student Writing, November 23, 2008, San Antonio, TX, National Conference of Teachers of English

Developing School Leaders: Lessons Learned from University-School Partnerships, January 13, 2006, Honolulu, International Conference on Education and Art

Writing for Professional Journals, March 10, 2005, San Diego, California Association of Professors of Educational Administration

A Model for Successful District-Based Leadership Development Partnerships, March 11, 2004, Burlingame, CA, California Association of Professors of Educational Administration

Site-Based Inquiry and Capacity Building: Developing Leaders' Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions, March 12, 2003, Oakland, CA, California Association of Professors of Educational Administration

Writing Assignments that Work: Implications for Large Scale Assessment, June 21, 2001, Houston, TX., Council of Chief State School Officers. National Conference

Writing Assignments  What Works and What Doesn't Work, November 20, 2000, Milwaukee, WI, National Council of Teachers of English, National Conference

Assigning Writing What Works?, February 11, 2000, Sacramento, California Association of Teachers of English, State Conference

Putting It All Together: Aligning Reform Initiatives to Improve Teaching and Learning, November 22, 1997, Detroit, National Council of Teachers of English, National Conference

Pacesetter English: Using Portfolios to Align Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, February 14, 1997, Fresno, CA, California Association of Teachers of English, State Conference

Effective School Reform: Assessing the Quality of the Planning and Evaluation Process, October 22, 1996, Los Angeles, Annenberg School Improvement Effort

Standards-Based Portfolio Assessment, March 20, 1995, Asilomar, California Association of Teachers of English, State Conference

Lessons from California's CLAS Portfolio Assessment Project, July 15, 1994, Cambridge: MA, Harvard Performance Assessment Collaborative Institute

After School Workers Teacher Pathway, Packard Foundation, Received August 24, 2009, 125,000, For September 1, 2009 to March 15, 2010, Bring together community colleges, CSUEB and community based organizations to create a pathway for community members to gain degrees and teaching credentials both with an emphasis in STEM Education

Academic Senate (2005-2007)

Graduate Coordinator (2000-04; 05-07)

Department Chair (2003-2005)

Associate Chair (2002-03; 05-06)

WST Portfolio Chief/Table Reader (2004-2006)

Library Task Force (2004-06)

Department Faculty Search Committees (2001, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07)

CAPEA Journal [Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development] Editor (2003-2006); Editorial Board (2007-present)

Faculty Development Workshop Presenter: Connecting Research and Teaching (2003)

University Librarian Search Committee (2007-08)

McNair Scholar Mentor (2008-2009)

Interim Associate Dean (2008-09)

Provost Search Committee (2009-10)

Interim Associate Dean (3/2008-8/2009)


California Single Subject Teaching Credential (English, History, Mathematics (middle school), P.E.)California Administrative Services Credential

Experience with Doctoral Students and Supervising Dissertations

Joint Doctoral Program with UCB, SJSU & SFSU

Dissertation Chairperson: Schools as Resilient Organizations:   
Supporting the Mathematical Resilience of Latino Eighth Graders by Michael Jay Prada (completed December 2007)Dissertation Co-Chair: Learning Places in Schools:School Gardens and Classrooms by Christine Boynton (completed December 2010)Served on qualifying exam committee for Year 1 and Year 2 students (2005-2008)Served on oral examination committee (2007, 2008)

Educational Leadership for Social Justice Ed.D. Program

Dissertation Chairperson: Organizational Culture and the Interpretation and Implementation of Student Discipline (completed, June 2011)Coordinated and lead qualifying exam readings (2008-2010)