Everett Louis, PhD Faculty Profile

Everett Louis, PhD
Department of Teacher Education
- E-mail: everett.louis@csueastbay.edu
- Phone: (510) 885-3348
- Office: AE 301
- Office Hours: Contact via email
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Elementary Childhood Education, August 2006, Arizona State University
- Doctoral Dissertation: Children's Understanding of Geometric Shapes and Space
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, December 2001, Minor in Education, University of California at Davis
- Early Childhood Education
- Teacher Training
- Primary and Secondary Mathematics Education
- Curriculum Development and Task Design
- Primary Art Education
- BA University of California, Davis
- PhD Arizona State University
Not teaching this quarter.
Louis, Everett L. (2010). Book 2. Numbers and Numeration Pre K - 2. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Essential Understandings Series.
Louis, Everett L. (2006). Tracing Pivotal Concepts of Rational Numbers Through the Middle Grades. American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Louis, Everett L. (2003). Yellow Notepad. Colors of Life: International Library of Poetry.
2006-Present, Mentor/educational consultant Alliant University San Francisco
2006-Present, Writing team member of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
2005-2006, Graduate Assistant ROLE (Research on Learning and Education)
2002-2004, Graduate Assistant AZTEC (The Arizona Teacher Excellence Coalition)
Jan. 11 – Present Lecturer: Alameda County Office of Education
- Description: Teach course on English Language Development for primary grade credential candidates.
Sep. 10 – Dec.10 Lecturer: Kalmonovitz School of Education, Saint Mary's College of California
- Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics
- Description: Train credential candidates in area of Primary Grade Mathematics Instruction and PACT assessment.
Aug 08-Present Lecturer: Department of Teacher Education, California State University East Bay
COURSES· ·Classroom Environment Description: Graduate level course. Students create classroom management plans and explore the many facets of developing and maintaining effective learning environments.
·Foundations of Curriculum Development/Professional WritingDescription: Online Masters level core series. Students conduct research and produce scholarly papers following APA guidelines. -Health and Safety
Description: Students also learn strategies for healthful living and engage in research and discussions surrounding current issues in health, wellness, and safety in the secondary schools. ·Professional Responsibilities
Description: Online graduate level course introducing students to concepts and practices of equity, school law, and morality. ·Psychological Foundations of Education K-12 Description: Introduction to theories of cognitive and emotional development, memory and retention, and behavior management. ·Special Populations Description: Covers state laws and the rights of individuals with special needs. Course provides an analysis of common disabilities and disorders and strategies for developing inclusive practices.
·Teaching English Learners K-6 Description: Candidates are taught strategies for effective instruction and assessment of students who qualify as ELL.·Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary SchoolDescription: Methods course for teaching mathematics in the elementary school classroom. Instruction includes training in the use of manipulatives and visual representations. ·Using Research to Improve Learning Description: Graduate level research course on learning theories and the development of professional writing skills. ·Visual and Performing Arts Description: Focuses on developing artistic skills and integrating the arts into the core curriculum to improve understanding.
June 08-Present Mathematics Instructor/Supervisor: College of Alameda, Ca. Responsibilities: Teach mathematics courses, develop mathematics workshops, train and supervise tutors, and manage tutoring lab.Feb 07-Aug 08 Adjunct Lecturer/Student Teacher Supervisor: Department of Teacher Education, California State University East Bay
Responsibilities: Teach methods courses for credential candidates. Supervise student teachers in field experience placements. Aug 07-Dec 08 Mathematics Content Coach: Acorn Elementary School, Oakland Unified School District, Oakland, Ca.
Responsibilities: Designed and implemented curricula based on the individual needs of students who struggled to reach 'proficiency' on statewide math tests.Aug 03-Dec 04 Mathematics Education Instructor Arizona State University.
Responsibilities: Educated pre-service and in-service elementary and middle school educators in mathematics pedagogy and content. Designed curriculum and assessed student achievement.
Aug 01-May 02 Instructor/Co-Director: Dixon High School Mathematics Outreach Program. Dixon, Ca.
Responsibilities: Provided after school social guidance and tutoring in mathematics for at-risk students.
Aug01-May 02 High School Mathematics Teacher: Dixon High School.
Responsibilities: Taught Algebra, Geometry, Pre Calculus, and Trigonometry to students in grades 9-12. Designed and taught a summer Algebra course for academically at-risk senior classmen.Jan 01-May 01 Home and Hospital Teacher: Dixon Unified School District
Responsibilities: Provided at-home instruction for students unable to attend school due to various physical limitations and other health conditions. Aug 99-Jun 00 Chair of the Art Department. Merryhill Elementary School. Davis, Ca.
Responsibilities: Designed and implemented art curriculum for grades K-6, planned parent-teacher conferences, managed art materials, and trained art faculty.
Jan 98-Aug 99 Elementary Art Teacher: Merryhilll Elementary School. Responsibilities: Designed and implemented art curriculum for grades K-6 for a private elementary school.
2006 Graduated Summa Cum Lauda. Ph.D. Arizona State University
2001 Distinguished Faculty: Merryhill Elementary School
1998 (spring) President Pi Alpha Phi (Asian awareness/social fraternity) at University
of California Davis
1998 (winter) Pledge Master/Founder Pi Alpha Phi at University of California Irvine
1995 Lifetime Member of the California Scholarship Federation