Welcome to Back to the Bay 2019

Back to the Bay Presenter


Building a More Inclusive CSU East Bay

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Workshop Room Assignments in VBT


Back to the Bay, CSUEB's annual professional development event, is sponsored by Academic Affairs, Office of Faculty Development, Office of the Online Campus, University Extension, and the Office of Diversity. Each year since 2003, Back to the Bay brings faculty and staff together to share their expertise and learn from one another and campus experts about topics of interest to faculty in their roles as teachers, advisors, researchers, users of technology, and active participants in the campus community. Back to the Bay features variety of workshops on pedagogy, research, governance, and teaching with technology at our state-of-the-art facility (Valley Business & Technology Center [VBT]).  The theme for this year's Back to the Bay is Building a More Inclusive CSU East Bay.  This year panels address culturally competent teaching strategies and teaching strategies that contribute to equitable student learning and success.  

Click on the tabs below for Keynote, Workshop Descriptions & Schedule, and Exhibitors & Resources (coming soon)

Dr. Mildred Garcia for web
Keynote speaker: Dr. Mildred Garcia
Title: Are All East Bay Students Rising - The Critical Role Faculty Play in Inspiring the Next Generation of Leaders
Brief Bio: Dr. Mildred Garcia, president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) since January 2018, advocates for public higher education nationally and directs a strategic agenda that focuses on public college and university leadership for the 21st century. She is the first Latina to lead one of the six presidentially-based higher education associations in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining AASCU, Dr. Garcia served as the president of California State University, Fullerton. Under her leadership, the university saw a 30 percent improvement in six-year graduation rates and a 65 percent improvement in four-year graduation rates for first-time freshmen; the achievement gap was eliminated for transfer students and cut in half for first-time freshmen. She also served as president of CSU Dominguez Hills, where, as the first Latina president in the largest system of public higher education in the country, she eliminated a structural deficit of $2.8 million and increased retention rates for first-time full-time freshmen by 10 percent. More

For a pdf version of the program, click here.

Session 1: 9:00-9:50 am

Title: Blackboard & Ally Basics

Presenters: Manpreet Chatha and Meg Taggart, Online Campus

This workshop will provide an overview of Blackboard features and upgrades. It will also touch on the rise of students’ preferences for Mobile Learning, the responsive design capability of Blackboard Ultra and provide a brief overview of Ally, a tool for making course materials accessible.

Room: VBT 137


Title: Using FREE online tools and services that are accessible to ALL students!

Presenters: Monica Munoz, Online Campus, Cheryl Saelee, Online Campus, Heather Vilhauer, Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism, Derek Yang, Online Campus

This workshop will acquaint you with the tools that 红莲社区 provides to all students for free including: Adobe Creative Cloud, LinkedIn Learning, and accessibility tools such as Blackboard's Ally and Grackledocs! Learn ways to incorporate tools such as Adobe Spark in your course and hear from Professor Heather Villhauer about creating assignments that utilize these free tools. Blackboard instructional designers and system administrators will be sharing tips to help you remediate documents to create course materials that are accessible to all of your students.

Room: VBT 124


Title: Supporting Faculty & Student Research at CSUEB

Presenters: Jennifer Cabrejas, Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, Michelle Hobbs- Helmus, Center for Student Research, Jenny O, Center for Student Research, Jeff Seitz, Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Join us for an overview of opportunities for student and faculty research. Learn about internal and external funding opportunities, applying for grants and the administration of grant awards for faculty. Then, we'll introduce The 红莲社区 CSR Scholar's Program, a student development and success program, its structure, scholarships, and what faculty mentors can do to help their Scholars develop and succeed!

Room VBT 216


Title: Leganto, the Library, You & Your Students

Presenters Lee Adams, Andrew Carlos, John Wenzler

Learn about Leganto, a new library system that integrates course materials into BlackBoard and about the exciting endeavors that support faculty instruction and student success: improvements to our physical space, new services, online resources, and more!  We'll share ideas for free, low cost, or library-provided readings for your class to improve equity and access.

Room VBT 136


Keynote Address: 10:00-10:50 VBT 124

Dr. Mildred Garcia

Title: Are All East Bay Students Rising –The Critical Role Faculty Play in Inspiring the Next Generation of Leaders

Brief Bio: Dr. Mildred Garcia, president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) since January 2018, advocates for public higher education nationally and directs a strategic agenda that focuses on public college and university leadership for the 21st century. She is the first Latina to lead one of the six presidentially-based higher education associations in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining AASCU, Dr. Garcia served as the president of California State University Fullerton. Under her leadership, the university saw a 30 percent imporvement in six-year graduation rates and a 65 percent improvement in four-year graduation rates for the first-time freshmen; the achievement gap was eliminated for transfer students and cut in half for first-time freshmen. She also served as president for CSU Dominguez Hills, where, as the first Latina president in the largest system of public higher education in the country, she eliminated a structural deficit of $3.8 million and increased retention rates for first-time full-time freshmen by 10 percent. More


Session 2: 11:00-11:50 am (One Session Only)

Title: Understanding Our Students: Utilizing Institutional Research Data and Student Voices to Enhance Teaching Practices

Presenters: Albert Gonzalez, Anthropology, Geography & Environmental Studies, Fanny Yeung, Institutional Effectiveness & Research

This session will review institutional data resources to better understand who are our students and how faculty and practitioners can become student-ready and  responsive to students' needs and challenges.

Room VBT 124

Lunch 12:00-12:55 

VBT West Lawn


Session 3: 1:00-1:50 (Three Sessions)

Title Best Practices for Inclusive Course Design

Presenters: Jaski Kohli, Accessibility Services, with  Anna Alexander, History, Ana Almeida, Biological Sciences, Alina Engelman, Health Sciences, Nidhi Khosla, Health Sciences, Gretchen Reevy, Psychology, Michael Stanton, Health Sciences

In this interactive session, faculty will discuss strategies and best practices for maximizing learning and inclusion in your courses, including graphic and engaging syllabi and much more.

Room VBT 124


Title:  Recognize & Address Micro-Aggressions

Presenter: Ardella Dailey and Mari Gray

Develop your ability to recognize and address micro-aggressions in the classroom and around campus in an interactive session.

Room VBT 137


Title:(Cancelled: Putting CSUEB Inclusion Research into Action)

Presenters:  SaeHya Ann, Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism, Mari Gray, Educational Leadership, Meaghan McCollow, Educational Psychology, Julie McNamera, Teacher Education, Elizabeth Wright, Kinesiology

Learn about campus diversity and inclusion findings from CEAS doctoral scholars and faculty, and experience practices you can implement and resources you can use to create inclusive classrooms and programs.


Title: Advancing Inclusive Teaching through Community Engagement

Presenters: Annie Chan, Emily Chow, Mary D'Alleva, Lizbeth Huerta, Jazmine Trochez, Center for Community Engagement 

Join our discussion about how community engagement fosters a culturally-inclusive classroom that empowers students to apply learning, see themselves as change-agents, and build professional skills and networks. Learn about resources to support you in developing assignments that facilitate equitable learning while working for equity and justice in our region.

Room VBT 216


Session 4: 2:00-2:50 (Fours Sessions)

Title: Supporting Faculty to Support our Students: Tools for Balancing Empathy and Rigor

Presenters: Lee Adams, Library, Lael Adediji, Renaissance Scholars, Jeffra Bussmann, Library, Alina Engelman, Health Sciences, Ryan Gamba, Health Sciences, Mariana Guzzardo, Human Development, Matthew Moore, Health Sciences, Natalie Ingraham, Sociology, Ali Jones-Bey, Learning Framework, Shubha Kashinath, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, Nidhi Khosla, Health Sciences, Sarah Taylor, Social Work, Negin Toosi, Psychology

How can we support the unique needs of our diverse students without sacrificing academic rigor or work-life balance? Faculty will share findings from the Learning Framework study, discuss our perspectives on key challenges, and offer tools for negotiating this balance.

Room VBT 124


Title: Supporting & Including Students with Autism

Presenters: Elizabeth Chueka, Accessibility Services, Shubha Kashinath, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, Eric Kupers, Theater & Dance

Learn strategies and interpersonal communication techniques to support students with disabilities, create a more inclusive learning environment, and improve individual student interactions, particularly for and with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Room VBT 136


Title: Shifting the Gaze from "Them" to Me: Eradicating the Pedagogy of Pathologization

Presenter: G.Reyes, Educational Leadership

This interactive workshop leverages critical and culturally sustaining pedagogy to explore these questions: How might "inclusion" and "diversity" be seen and enacted as surface level, neoliberal tactics that more subtly perpetuate systems of supremacy? What good does inclusion and diversity have without interrogating the beliefs, structures, and practices that work to exclude and homogenize in the first place? What deep archaeological work do I need to commit to in order to authentically work to counter all this?

Room VBT 219


Title: Making Your Online Course Inclusive for All Students

Presenters:  Steven Cleveland, Ethnic Studies, Lacey Garza, Online Campus, James Mitchell, Teacher Education Michelle Rippy, Criminal Justice, Meiling Wu, Modern Languages & Literatures, and Daminna Standfield, Accessibility Services

This workshop will cover how to set up an online course to create an inclusive learning environment for ALL students. Discover subtle changes to course design that impacts student achievement and overall course quality. Join a panel of QM certified faculty members for a conversation and sharing about incorporating basic universal design principles to develop or enhance their course.

Room VBT 137


Session 5: 3:00-3:50

Title: Nurturing Learning Communities through Inclusive Communication, Course Materials, and Assignments

Learn about strategies to promote a collaborative climate in both in-person and online courses. We will consider the selection of diverse and inclusive learning materials and consistent connection between content, student positionality, and opportunities for application. Please bring a syllabus assignment project that you are working on for the hands-on segment of this session.

Presenter: Claire Valderama-Wallace, Nursing

VBT 124


Welcome Reception 

Join us to welcome new faculty and congratulate QM Certificate awardees!

VBT Lobby





Campus Resources/Exhibits

Accessibility Services

California Faculty Association

CSU Pioneer Bookstore

The Core Building

The Online Campus/AI Project

IT Security

IT Service Desk

Virtual Reality in CSU Engineering Courses

Vendor Exhibits

Blackboard / Ally



McGraw Hill