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Massmail Email List Appropriate Use
This document is intended to clarify appropriate use of the university Massmail Email List.
The Massmail Email List is supported and made available through the use of university funds. The distribution list is to be used exclusively for official university business. This includes publicity for university sponsored activities, staff and faculty organizational announcements, and notification of availability of university services and resources. An announcement of a retirement celebration for a university employee would be an example of an appropriate use of massmail. Political Action Committees are not considered university business; therefore massmail would not be the appropriate vehicle to use to advertise their activities.
The list is not intended to be an editorial forum or discussion board for personal opinion. It is appropriate to announce university events, including those where such discussion and interchange of ideas take place, or to refer to resources that may be pertinent to the event. But the use of the list should be limited to announcements of events, not a discussion of subject matter.
Attachments should not be appended to massmail messages because they have the potential of clogging the network.
Information Technology Services has the responsibility, since it is accountable for this university resource, to follow-up on questionable use of university technology resources, to verify their appropriate use and to remind account holders of the policy. This follow -up may be in response to queries from other account holders on the system. Inappropriate use of the Massmail Email List may result in removal from access to the list. If you have questions about the suitability of a message for massmail, or any other comments regarding this appropriate use policy, they may be directed to the Service Desk at servicedesk@csueastbay.edu.