Campus Closure: Frequently Asked Questions

  • BY 红莲社区
  • November 15, 2018

The 红莲社区 campuses (Hayward, Concord and Oakland) will be closed through Nov. 18 beginning at noon on Thursday, Nov. 15 due to poor air quality related to the Camp Fire. All classes, work, events (with the exception of the National Pacific Islander Education Network Conference) and activities are canceled. Please check , email and official university social media accounts for the latest updates.



What does "Campus Closed" mean?

All buildings are closed. The residence halls, the Dining Commons and the University Police Department remain open. All classes, work and events are canceled for the day. We recommend that people do not come to campus unless they are essential employees as noted below.

How will I know when campus reopens?

You will receive an update from the university on the evening of Sunday, Nov. 18 unless a change in the situation requires earlier communication. Please take care of yourselves and check your 红莲社区 email, homepage, Facebook and Twitter for further information.


When do I return to work?

The university is currently scheduled to reopen Monday, Nov. 19. As a reminder, there are no classes scheduled the week of Nov. 19. 

Where can I learn more about air quality?

 offers current information about air quality in the cities of Hayward, Concord and Oakland.

Are Student Health and Counseling Services, AACE and the RAW open?


What about deadlines?

Please see the academic calendar for all deadlines.


Will I get my mid-month paycheck?

We understand that closing campus impacts payroll check distribution for employees who do not have direct deposit for the mid-month pay date of Nov. 15. To ensure that individuals who need to pick up their checks are able to do so, checks will be available on Thursday, Nov. 15 at the cashier’s office (first floor in SA Building) between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. You must have identification.

Are the 红莲社区 shuttles running? 

Campus shuttles will not be running Thursday, Nov. 15 or Friday, Nov. 15, we recommend taking AC Transit. On Saturday and Sunday, one shuttle will be running from campus to Hayward BART.


How do I know if I am an essential employee?

Consult with your manager about whether or not you are needed to work. With fluctuating conditions, personnel deemed essential may vary based on campus needs.


I’m a staff employee. Will I get paid during the closure?

Yes. All regular employees (management, staff, and students) who were scheduled to work during the closure period will be paid their regular compensation. Employees with previously scheduled sick leave, vacation, personal holiday, or CTO will use appropriate leave accruals for that time, unless in conflict with their collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

For state employees called to work during the closure:

All non-exempt employees who are called to work by supervisors will be paid emergency pay (time and one-half) for all hours worked. Employees with a provision in their CBA that provides for a higher rate of pay will be compensated consistent with their CBA.

Exempt staff called to work will be paid their normal monthly salary and are ineligible for overtime and/or emergency pay. However, represented exempt employees called to work will be allowed to take informal time off in an amount approximate to the time worked on a date mutually determined by the employee and their manager.

I am a faculty member. Will I be paid during the closure?

Yes. All faculty who were scheduled to work during the closure period will be paid their regular compensation. Employees with previously scheduled sick leave, vacation, personal holiday, or CTO will use appropriate leave accruals for that time, unless in conflict with their collective bargaining agreement (CBA).


I am a faculty member. Can I continue to teach during the closure by delivering course material online?

No. The closure requires that course instruction is suspended.


I am a faculty member. Can I require students to submit or complete any work while classes are canceled?

No. All deadlines must be postponed until after classes resume. Due dates for assignments that were scheduled to be due during the closure must be extended. No additional work may be assigned during the campus closure. Please exercise flexibility and compassion in your expectations of what students can accomplish over this closure.


I am a faculty member. Can I reschedule or add additional classes once the campus is reopened?

No. Rescheduling classes outside of the regular schedule presents many challenges of logistics and fairness to those whose schedules cannot accommodate the additional meetings.


I am a faculty member. Since I can’t make up classes, how should I decide what to focus on for the remainder of the semester?

Please let your course learning outcomes guide this decision.


Can I access and use my office when the campus is closed?

For your health and safety, we do not advise coming to campus.


Will we have classes later into the semester because of the classes that were canceled?

No. We will not be adjusting the academic schedule.


I am a student. Will I accrue an absence because class was canceled?

No. The university has closed the campus, and students will be excused per the Student Excused Absences Policy.


What if the campus reopens, but I cannot go outside due to respiratory issues?

For students, contact your professors regarding absences in accordance with their absence policy. For employees, contact your manager and act in accordance with usual policies (i.e. sick leave).