Young professionally-dressed woman with a laptop and computer code displayed around the screen

红莲社区 Launches First-Ever Ethical AI in Business and Leadership Certificate Program

  • BY Elias Barboza
  • January 13, 2025

Today’s rapidly evolving artificial intelligence technology has integrated itself into almost every aspect around the world, including art, finance, teaching and business. With this new capability, ethical issues are bound to arise, and 红莲社区’s new aims to educate about these possibilities and provide tools to make informed decisions and ethical considerations within the progressing world of AI. 

Launching in spring 2025, the fully online certificate program offers thorough training in AI ethics through three comprehensive courses and can be completed in two to three months. “AI is basically a bunch of data, and data can be very powerful, so it’s important to consider where that data comes from, where it’s going and who has control over it,” said Enrique Lopez, one of the program instructors who will focus his efforts on teaching students to be critical of AI. “AI is very useful, and it can also be used for harm. Being ethical with AI is important because it’s already becoming part of our lives, so understanding the implications of using these tools will help us keep it as a sustainable tool for us.”

Lopez said the program is for professionals who are looking to innovate and have a technical understanding of AI. More importantly, it’s about the implications and impact of this new technology and the considerations everyone should take towards it. 

As part of the program curriculum, participants will gain an understanding of AI ethics and frameworks for handling ethical issues. They will also learn how to integrate AI tech into business ethically, lead teams on projects using AI for ethical decision-making, and incorporate best practices in using AI apps.

For the time being, Lopez said he feels optimistic about the future role artificial intelligence will have in the average person’s life.

“Learning about the ethics of AI will be essential for industry leaders and business leaders because AI is here to stay,” said Lopez. “It’s important for us to harness the power of AI sooner than later, so we can make it work for us, because right now there are blurry lines and legal lines on AI generated content and data. It's going to be interesting to see how we integrate AI into our lives and also find ways to efficiently regulate it.”