Students expand horizons through study abroad

  • January 22, 2009

Nearly two dozen 红莲社区 students have been chosen to study or attend conferences across the United States and abroad during the 2008-2009 academic year.

Three students were selected to study abroad through CSU Office of International Programs.

Mimi Chi, a psychology major, is studying at Peking University in Beijing, while history major Anne Neidiver and Ann Frances Villar, majoring in international studies, are enrolled at the University of Aix-Marseille in France.

Participating students will earn resident academic credit while they study abroad for a full academic year.

The CSU Office of International Programs works with approximately 70 universities from around the world, including institutions in Australia, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom. Participants are responsible for all personal expenses, such as transportation, room and board, living expenses and home campus fees.

To qualify for consideration by the CSU Office of International Programs, students must have upper division or graduate standing at a CSU campus by the time of departure. Students must also have a current cumulative grade point average of 2.75 to 3.0, depending on the program for which they apply. Some programs also have language study and other coursework prerequisites.

In addition, three CSUEB students received travel awards in the fall from the Student Travel Grant Program to support their trips related to biotechnology professional meetings and workshops.

Khaldeyah Awwad and Anna Desai received a joint award of $1,500 to present a poster at the ACS Spring 2009 National Meeting in Utah. Jacqueline Louie was granted $900 for travel in order to do an internship at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Austria.

Eleven CSUEB students also participated in other study abroad programs during the fall, with another six students expecting to leave in the spring.

For information about the CSU Office of International Programs, visit . Information about the CSU Student Travel Grant Program is available at .