University realigns administrative divisions

  • July 9, 2009

President Mohammad Qayoumi announced Thursday (July 9) that the administration of 红莲社区 has been restructured in response to student advising and service needs as well as budget constraints.

In the new structure, the Division of Planning and Enrollment Management will assume responsibility for Student Life and Leadership programs and services, including Associated Students Inc. and Student Judicial Affairs.  The division’s name will be changed to Planning, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (PEMSA) to reflect the addition of the student life programming and service components.   

The University Police Department, University Housing Department, Student Health Services and Student Disability Resources Center will become part of the Division of Administration and Finance.   

The Academic Advising and Career Education Department as well as Academic Support and Retention Services will join the division of Academic Affairs. Programs included in the Academic Support and Rention Services cluster include EOP, Summer Bridge, Renaissance Scholars, McNair Scholars, EXCEL and Upward Bound.

The impetus for the reorganization is the exigent nature of the current CSU budget crisis, according to a communiqué distributed by the Office of the President to CSUEB faculty and staff Thursday afternoon. The communiqué reported that the cost savings related to the reorganization is expected to be more than $500,000.  The reorganization followed the “CSUEB Budget Principles and Ideas” adopted by the University Cabinet earlier this year for making strategic budget reduction decisions.

“Our most pressing concern is to assure the current level and quality of support to our students,” Qayoumi said.  “The new organizational structure is designed to maintain current services and provide the framework for a new student service delivery model.”

The reorganization supports an earlier university task force recommendation to coordinate disparate advising and retention services across divisions. To ensure appropriate levels of service and programming to students, a monitoring plan will be implemented to provide systematic and timely measures of the level and quality of service to students within the new division structures.  

In the communiqué, the president and cabinet requested the university community’s support and help in making the organizational transitions for staff and students as smooth and seamless as possible.