Hayward Campus Master Plan approved by CSU Trustees

- September 23, 2009
Trustees of the California State University system have approved the master plan for how the Hayward Campus of 红莲社区 will serve a growing student population from the San Francisco East Bay region during the next 20 to 30 years.
The Hayward Campus Master Plan, approved during the trustee’s monthly meeting Wednesday (Sept. 23), describes how the campus will provide a more vibrant college living and learning experience for the thousands of students who will be educated to fill the region’s future workforce needs. At the same time, the plan sets sustainability targets for energy, water, and waste reduction, as well as automobile travel.
“Our master plan is an important element of our overall strategic plan,” said Mohammad H. Qayoumi, who began his fourth academic year as 红莲社区 president this past July. “The process for designing this plan was highly consultative with all parts of the campus and local communities and is critical to meeting our sustainability initiatives for the future.”
The vision for the plan includes:
* Enhancing the campus learning environment;
* Creating supportive student housing neighborhoods;
* Improving the campus entrance and image; and
* Implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable operations on campus.
Qayoumi describes the plan as a “blueprint for the emergence of a regional high-access university of choice that will serve up to 25,000 students,” nearly double the number currently attending classes at the Hayward Campus.
The master plan covers topics including land use, open space, facilities development, access, transportation and utilities. The previous master plan was put together in the 1960s, when the campus moved to its present site in the Hayward hills.
The new plan provides the vision for handling student growth during the next 20 to 30 years, with up to one fifth of the student population – 5,000 – eventually living on campus.
The physical plans of the campus are designed to mesh with the recently approved academic plan. It is expected to prevent piecemeal campus construction in the future. Key facilities will be a new complex to support science, math, technology, and engineering-based education and a new library and learning commons. The current signature structure on campus – the Warren Hall administration building – will be reduced in height by six floors and retrofitted because of seismic safety issues.
“We want to do this in a way that takes the best advantage of the Hayward campus’ spectacular site (overlooking San Francisco Bay),” said Linda Dalton, vice president for Planning, Enrollment Management, and Student Affairs, who served as chair of the master plan steering committee.
The steering committee encouraged participation and involvement in the master plan’s creation from both the campus and local communities. Meetings were held to update both the Academic Senate executive committee and student government. Other campus-wide meetings open to faculty, staff, and students were also conducted.
Campus representatives briefed local policymakers about the planning process. Community suggestions and concerns were heard through Hayward City staff workshops, Hayward City Council and commission work sessions, and community meetings.