Second literary review launches April 1 at downtown Hayward party

"Arroyo Literary Review," 2010
- March 24, 2010
The second edition of the Arroyo Literary Review – 红莲社区’s only national literary review – will debut with a launch party scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 1 at The Bistro in downtown Hayward.
Published by the CSUEB English Department, the issue will feature an interview with novelist Dorothy Allison by Jacqueline Doyle, CSUEB professor of American Literature; fiction from Kate Braverman, Jeff Fearnside, Danny Rice and Billy Howell; and poetry by Christopher Buckley, Lynne Knight, John Olivares Espinoza and Jesse Nissim, among others.
Editor Zac Walsh hopes several of the contributors will read at the opening. So far, he has confirmation from Espinoza, Nissim and Rice.
For Walsh, a passionate reader and writer who will earn his master's in English in June and is awaiting word from several Ph.D. programs, the Review has been an invaluable learning experience.
“The biggest difficulty in publishing an annual journal like Arroyo is that the work is never done," Walsh said. "I was raised in a 'finish the job and move on' Irish Catholic environment, but the work of an editor is ongoing and unfinished by nature. A constant looking back and looking ahead. Never complete.”
Walsh indicated that he will stay on to advise those creating issue three.
In his editor’s note, Walsh said: “The Academy is in the midst of troubled times – times of war and rumors of war – and in uncertain times we need beautiful responses to our fears, and that is what the second issue of Arroyo offers. Kierkegaard claimed that faith is uncertainty, and I believe issue two speaks to this conviction – that we find ourselves in the midst of turmoil, and that there is dignity in fighting against that angst with words.”
Susan Gubernat, associate professor of English and Review advisor, explained that the review grew out of her course, ENGL 6060, The Literary Magazine, that gives graduate students and select undergraduates the opportunity for practical experience in all aspects of publishing: editing, design, marketing, budgeting and fund-raising.
“Student-edited, designed, and produced, Issue Two is something we’re very proud of," said Gubernat. "It’s a great example of what students can do when they are given the opportunity to work at a professional level. Truly, it’s like having an internship in publishing right on campus.”
The second edition of the publication has big shoes to fill, as the inaugural issue of Arroyo Literary Review made it into The Montserrat Review’s list of 10 best reads for 2009.
The launch party, including music, takes place at The Bistro, 1001 B St., Hayward. It is open to anyone 21 and over. This will be the first opportunity to buy the 112-page book at $8 per copy. After the opening, books will be available in the English Department (MB 2579), at the University Bookstore, or at Price with shipping will be $10.
Gubernat, Walsh, design editor Jennifer Bennett, and associate editor Scott Goodenow will take the new issue, along with Issue One, to the Associated Writing Programs Conference in Denver April 7-10.
“It's a place where we'll get even more recognition, sell a few issues, and with luck, troll for some new talent among the writers there,” said Gubernat.