How to pass CSUEB's Writing Skills Test 101

  • August 24, 2010

红莲社区 students have a checklist as they have to do these things before they graduate.

They must complete their General Education courses; the courses required for their major and/or their minor and passing the University's Writing Skills Test (WST).

Why should CSUEB students take the WST?

"It is one way of satisfying the writing skills requirements at CSU East Bay," CSUEB testing office assistant Fran Munder of the CSUEB Testing Office said.

Need a walkthrough and a guide on passing the WST? Munder and CSUEB English professor Cynthia Andrzejczyk will give CSUEB students the low down on how to register and pass the WST and give them tips on how to prepare and practice for the WST.

How do they register for the WST?

"For registering for the WST, they can go to our testing website and then click on 'WST.' There are two ways to register." Munder explained. "One is online registration that will cost them $25 with no guarantee of a computer to type it on. If they want to guarantee a computer, it is a $50 test. Then, they can click on 'limited edition: space available' and they have to check the dates, the spots available in green and register for one of those tests."

What are the requirements for CSUEB students to take the test?

"They have to be a CSUEB student and they have to be a junior higher or a grad," Munder answered.

After the CSUEB students took the test, they are pacing themselves to see if they clearly satisfy the university's writing competence.

Who does the reading of the tests?

"Well, the WST is reviewed by a group of professors across the discipline," Andrzejczyk said. "That would include English. We also have some people from physics, nursing, business, philosophy and history. So, we got all of the departments represented in the readers."

How do the professors analyze and score the tests and what is the target score?

"You have two readers per WST essay. The readers have to agree on a common score or it will go to a third reader to break the tie," Andrzejczyk explained. "The target score is 'clear competence', or a pass. 'Developing competence' and 'limited competence' are not passing scores."

Andrzejczyk also has recommendations for CSUEB students who registered for the WST.

"I would recommend that students sign up for the WST workshops. They can either go through the testing office or go through the Student Center for Academic Achievement," Andrzejczyk said. "The workshops are free. I do the workshops twice every quarter through the testing office with the exception of the summer. Another thing many students do, especially international students, is that they get help over at the SCAA. They will work with a tutor who does some writing practice every week. The SCAA is an opportunity for students to see a tutor for free and get some feedback."

Andrzejczyk has her "golden nugget" advice for students to prepare for the WST.

"For students, they practice their writing. They can go to the testing office website, get a copy of some of the old questions and practice writing an essay answering those questions in a timed manner," Andrzejczyk responded. "I tell students in the workshops to read current events. Go to Yahoo! News; look at the opinion section of a newspaper or online opinion sites because all the WST questions are based primarily on current event topics."

Now, if CSUEB students do not pass the WST the first time, what are their options?

"If CSUEB students get a developing competence or a limited competence score, they can take the test again. So, they have two opportunities to take the WST," Andrzejczyk said. "It depends on the student who scored a limited competence or a developing competence score. If a student receives a limited competence score, they can retake the test again or sign up for a first tier course. If a student receives a developing competence score, they can retake the test or sign up for a second tier course."

So, for CSUEB students who need advice on tackling and satisfying the university's writing requirements, this is your guide.

For more information on the university writing skills test, please go to the CSUEB testing website at or call (510) 885-3662.

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