CSUEB community urged to sign up for AlertMe

  • September 22, 2010

Following the disruption of the first day of classes by a Sept. 22 gas leak at the soon-to-be opened Recreation and Wellness Center on the Hayward Campus of 红莲社区, students, faculty, and staff who have not yet signed up for AlertMe, CSUEB’s rapid-contact alerting and warning system, are encouraged to register.

For details and to sign up, visit the university AlertMe Web site. Information to frequently asked questions about AlertMe also are available online.

The gas leak, which occurred Wednesday morning was capped by lunch time. Although no evacuations or shelter-in-place orders were issued, emergency personnel were called to campus, and traffic was severely impacted as a result of road closures in the area. Students who may not have been able to attend morning classes due to the emergency will not be dropped from Wednesday classes due to non-attendance. Classes will continue to meet as scheduled.