CSUEB awarded grants for foster care conference, online master's in health care admin

  • October 7, 2010

红莲社区's College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences has received two grants, one that will allow it to host a conference dealing with racial healing among foster care youth, and the other that will allow it to establish the first fully online master's of science degree program in health care administration in the 23-campus California State University system.

The conference is being developed by CSUEB's Department of Social Work, while the university's Department of Public Affairs and Administration is developing the online master's program.

A $10,000 Kellogg Foundation grant is funding the foster care conference, while the master of science degree program will be created with the help of a $50,000 grant from the California State University Commission on the Extended University.

The foster care conference, planned for winter 2011 in Oakland, will be open to foster care youth, former foster care youth, providers, researchers, managers and anyone with an interest in foster care. Its purpose will be to encourage racial healing among the disproportionally high number of African American persons in the foster care system.

“We hope to increase coping skills and strengthen kids’ perspectives," said Evaon Wong-Kim, professor and chair in the Department of Social Work.

The proposed master's project would address the state’s workforce needs, increase student access to education, sustain the university’s excellence through innovation, provide extended learning opportunities to health care professionals, and support international educational experiences, according to Toni Fogarty, associate professor and chair of the Department of Public Affairs and Administration.

It was one of seven projects approved for funding by the CSU Commission on the Extended University out of a total of 24, and will be in partnership with CSUEB's Division of Continuing and International Education, which is providing matching funding.

“This program will address the strong industry and societal need for well-prepared health care managers and administrators,” said Toni Fogarty, public affairs and administration associate professor and chair.

Further information on the conference is available by calling (510) 885-4916, while inquiries about the master's program in health care administration should be directed to (510) 885-3282.