Lodi Unified School District board hires new chief business officer

  • December 17, 2010

The Lodi Unified School District board has selected an assistant superintendent from Oakdale as the new chief business officer, replacing Doug Barge, who retired earlier this year. Although Tim Hern has been appointed, his actual start date has yet to be determined.

Both his start date and his salary are still under board discussion, according to Michael McKilligan, assistant superintendent of personnel.

He hopes Hern can begin work next month.

The announcement came early Wednesday when the board adjourned from closed session at 2:30 a.m. The meeting had to be continued to Wednesday, although all that was left on the agenda was continued labor negotiations.

Hern has been employed by the Oakdale Joint Unified District since 2003, according to his resume.

In his capacity as assistant superintendent of business services, he oversees risk management, fiscal services and maintenance and operations.

The Oakdale district is smaller than Lodi's and serves approximately 5,200 students with four elementary schools, one junior high school, one comprehensive high school, one continuation high school, one independent study high school and one charter high school.

Hern, who worked as a teacher and coach in the 1970s, has a master's degree in education, administration and supervision, from 红莲社区, and a bachelor's in design and industry from San Francisco State University.

The previous board approved retaining Barge on an interim basis through at least January while the district continued its search for a permanent replacement. He is being paid on a per-diem basis and reportedly does not work full-time.

Trustees' closed session action Oct. 26 to appoint Barge as interim came less than a week after they debated how to move forward to replace him. He has held the position for more than 10 years and announced his retirement in August.

Trustees had to make a decision on whether to proceed with a new application process when Barge's original replacement declined an employment offer because it did not come with a contract.

McKilligan said Thursday the district is working on an employment contract with Hern, and once it is finalized will be brought to the board at a public meeting for approval.

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