How does diversity on campus affect your learning experience?

  • February 10, 2011

Living in central California, we are fortunate to be immersed in a very diverse ethnic and cultural environment. According to a 2006-2007 California Edsource study, 33% of African American, 28% of Asian/Pacific Islander, 31% of Hispanic/Latino and 25% of Caucasian students enrolled in a community college after graduating from high school. Interestingly enough, Robert Morse of and 2008-09 academic year data the diversity index ranking of colleges across the nation from 0.0 (entire enrollment is of one racial/ethnic group) to 1.0 (school’s enrollment is equally distributed over all racial/ethnic groups), 红莲社区 ranks well above .70; the highest recorded was Rutgers State University of Newark, New Jersey, with a .74.

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