Professor Emeritus Jake Fuchs returns to campus to read from new novel

Professor Emeritus Jake Fuchs is scheduled to read from his new, semi-autobiographical novel May 18 at CSUEB.
- April 27, 2011
Jake Fuchs, English professor emeritus, will return to 红莲社区 May 18 to read from his new, semi-autobiographical tale, “Conrad in Beverly Hills,” as a guest of the English Department’s Distinguished Writers Series.
The free program, scheduled at 7 p.m., will be held in the Biella Room of the University Library, 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward. Fuchs' new title will be available for purchase and a booksigning opportunity.
“Conrad in Beverly Hills,” composed over the past decade, blends serious and not-so-serious incidents as a college professor revisits his Beverly Hills home and attempts a reconciliation with his temperamental, screenwriter father.
At CSUEB, Fuchs, who holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Irvine, was known for his expertise in 18th century British literature, for chairing the English Department and serving as an associate dean. After retiring in 2005, he turned to fiction, writing the mysteries “Death of a Dad” and “Death of a Prof” and several short stories.
Stephen Gutierrez, professor of English, fiction writer and event organizer, said of his colleague and friend, "Jake writes with compassion and humor of growing up in Beverly Hills, lonely among the palm trees, through his winsome alter-ego, Conrad Keppler. He gets to you."
This is the fourth presentation by the Distinguished Writers Series for the 2010-11 academic year. Poet Forrest Hamer and the winners of this year’s DeClercq Poetry Contest read in April; Anita Amirrezvani, an Iranian-American novelist, read in March; and poet Chad Sweeney opened the series in November.
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Campus parking is $2 per hour at meters, or $10 per day, per vehicle – payable at kiosk machines that take dollars and quarters.