Third annual literary review debuts at May 25 release party


The CSUEB English Department publishes third annual literary review.

  • May 12, 2011

红莲社区’s third edition of “Arroyo Literary Review,” affectionately dubbed “Arroyo 3,” will debut at a May 25 release party in downtown Hayward.

The current edition, at 114 pages – the same as last year’s, but longer than the debut issue – boasts five short stories, an assortment of poems and a glossy, color photography insert by art alumnus Tony Hoang.

While editor Jennifer Bennett '07, an MA candidate in English, said she is passionate about the whole book, she thinks two pieces will especially resonate with readers because of their accessibility. 

“Toni Graham, a writer and educator out of Oklahoma State, has a fantastic fiction piece titled ‘Drop Zone’ about the intensity surrounding mourning a loved one's passing," Bennett said. "We also published our first flash fiction piece by Nona Caspers, a San Francisco State University professor, entitled ‘A Hat Shaped Like a Dog that Looked Like a Cat’ that is also excellent, and struggles with change.”

Bennett, who holds a BA in American literature from CSUEB, fell into editing accidentally when, on a whim, she took her first magazine-related English course in winter 2009.

She welcomed the chance to create “Arroyo” using InDesign software, because she enjoys learning new programs; by the end of the quarter, she had become the book’s design editor. By issue three, Susan Gubernat, associate professor of English and Arroyo advisor, asked Bennett to take over editorial. Bennett said she accepted with delight and plans to stay on for issue four to gain additional experience.

"Arroyo is a real labor of love for the students who take the related course in magazine publishing that I teach and then put together a high-quality, professional literary journal,” said Gubernat.

“Each year, we build on the accomplishments and reputation of former issues, and `Arroyo 3' is no exception," she added. "The journal is making its mark in the magazine world, and the submissions are rolling in for next year. I couldn't be more pleased and proud of Jennifer and her team."

The team also includes Steve Wiley, also an MA student in English, who as marketing manager placed classified ads in “Poets & Writers” magazine, worked on introductory distribution and promotied a greater public face for the publication; Sylvia Martinez Banks ’10, the associate editor; and Tara Fouts, a senior in English, who has taken "Arroyo 3" into social media.

The debut party for “Arroyo,” including free food and a cash bar, will be at 6 p.m. May 25 at The Bistro, 1001 B St., Hayward. Everyone 21 years of age and over is welcome. Several Bay Area-based contributors will read from their work. After the party, the book will be available at the Pioneer Bookstore for $8 or for $10 (including shipping and handling).