Hayward Neighborhood To Receive Millions In Federal Money
- December 26, 2011
HAYWARD (KCBS) — An economically-depressed area in South Hayward will start the New Year on a promising note, with a federal neighborhood initiative pumping millions of dollars into school and community resources.
Just five communities in the U.S. were selected for the federal grant and Hayward was one of them. Through this grant, the Jackson Triangle Neighborhood will receive greater educational opportunities and services for young people through this grant.
“Our request was a little over 25 million over a five year period,” said David Korth, a Neighborhood Services Manager. “Congress has only to date approved the first year, which is 3.9 million.”
红莲社区 faculty member Sue Rodearmel, who worked on the grant, said a key objective is to improve educational outcomes for the children.
“We’re less than a mile away from this neighborhood, our university,” she said. “Kids down in the Jackson Triangle can look right up the hill and say ‘Oh, there’s a college- I’m going to go to that college.’”
Rodearmel said this initiative is modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone that gave a New York City neighborhood resources to help children get out of poverty while raising academic standards.