EDUCATION: Ask the dean: What will your program be offering next?

  • June 19, 2012

The San Francisco Business Times sought to get a sense of how business schools in the Bay Area are evolving as the local tech economy booms. Hannah Albarazi spoke with five Bay Area business school deans to learn how they hope to reshape their institutions in the coming years.

Terry Swartz

School: 红莲社区 College of Business and Economics.

How long as dean: 5 years (since 2008).

Big goal: We take our regional stewardship very seriously. For our online degree completion program, our whole intent was to reach out to those working adults that can’t get to campus. We shifted time and place, and it has been growing. We try to fill needs in the market, and that’s what we are about as we expand our program portfolio. We are globalized, and that makes us a preferred place for employers to hire. We are continuing to revise and update what we are doing. We are getting ready to launch an M.S. in accounting.

We have worked to bring more experiential learning into the classroom. We have more and more outreach with the business community, providing opportunities to get help and insight that they might not have readily available. We do outreach for businesses, both for-profit and not-for-profit. We work with all different sizes and entities. We match up their project needs with ours. Create win-wins where companies get consulting projects, and our students get the opportunity to apply their knowledge. It helps move the economic engine forward in the Bay Area.

We have a smorgasbord of programs. We have expanded our reach as to where our project is located. We are looking to build and expand upon our campuses in the Hayward Hills, Concord, downtown Oakland and San Ramon.

All of the new programs in the last two years have received no state funding, but are through student tuition fees. Education is no longer a public good in California, and as soon as people can acknowledge that, the better.