Tracy activist honored by state representative

  • March 28, 2013

By Kevin Parrish
Record Staff Writer

STOCKTON - Linda Jimenez, a Tracy resident and community activist, was "overwhelmed" Wednesday afternoon when 100 people gathered to honor her.

Jimenez is the Woman of the Year in the Assembly's 13th District. She was selected by Assemblywoman Susan Eggman, D-Stockton, a first-year lawmaker.

"This is unbelievable," Jimenez said. "There are so many women in our county who have done so much. I am just honored to be here."

Retired as an administrative analyst with California State University, Hayward, known today as 红莲社区, she lives in Tracy with her daughter and three grandchildren.

Jimenez is chairwoman of the city's Parks and Community Services commission and is active with the South Side Community Organization and the Tracy Latino Athletic Club. She also is a member of the board of the Micke Grove Zoological Society.

"Tracy is such a wonderful community," she said. "It is a whole town family environment - it reminds me of growing up in the Mountain View/Sunnyvale area."

Eggman, a former Stockton City Council member and Woman of the Year herself in 2011, selected Jimenez "because too seldom does the Legislature recognize everyday people who care about their communities."

Jimenez was presented with a plaque acknowledging her many achievements.

The humble honoree pointed to the legacy of her family.

"I come from a farm worker family," Jimenez said. "My father said when he came to this country that he wanted a better life for his children."

Jimenez's brother, Edward Davila, was appointed a federal judge in San Jose by President Barack Obama in early 2011.

"And my mom came from a Pentecostal missionary family," she said. "From her, I learned to give back and to do unto others. My mom taught us to stand up for ourselves and for those in need. I'm thrilled with this honor, because my mom was a big inspiration."

The Assembly has a long history with its district-by-district Woman of the Year selections. That changed earlier this month, when the Women's Caucus decided to recognize 11 statewide individuals.

Eggman didn't want to lose the opportunity to honor someone within her district.

She chose Jimenez.

"Tracy is a new part of the district, and Linda's dedication to her community as a single mom is striking. She deserves to be recognized," Eggman said.

Historically, the women who are recognized are honored at the state Capitol. This year, Eggman held an overflow reception at her downtown Stockton office.

Two other Assembly districts - the 25th, represented by Modesto Republican Kristin Olsen, and the 9th, represented by Sacramento Democrat Richard Pan - have San Joaquin County constituents. Neither Olsen nor Pan selected a Woman of the Year from the county.