Carskreen a new, innovative technology start up

  • March 26, 2014

Brian Goemmer, the president of consulting and technology business AllNet Labs, recently unveiled his new Kickstarter project, the CarSkreen, to the public. The CarSkreen is a seven-inch tablet that combines the power of a mobile high speed network, streaming, and GPS navigation into one device.

The Car Navigation and Media System offers the user several advantages, such as flexible and easy-to-use navigation, mapping, and media content. The CarSkreen can be installed in multiple cars, allowing drivers to access radio,audiobooks, music, and audio entertainment on the go. Installing the CarSkreen on the back of the driver's seat provides rear seat access to a gaming screen, videos, movies, and any social media application. Switching between a Samsung S3 smartphone and an iPhone only requires an adapter change, and accessing navigation and media applications is as simple as using a smartphone.

Additionally, the CarSkreen has an audio output that can be connected to car speakers, and its shelf utilizes a StickyPad surface that holds the phone firmly in place when driven around corners and over speed bumps.

"Over the past three years, smartphones have advanced to provide services that were once limited to in 2010 and applications have made mapping, navigation, streaming music, streaming videos, and playing games second nature to even our children," said Goemmer.

He also noted that the CarSkreen could be useful to many users.

In the US market alone, there are 122 million smartphones compatible with the CarSkreen plus, the device can work in almost any car.

At this time, Goemmer is accepting donations to his Kickstarter Technology Projects and take it into production. His goal is to collect $120,000 by March 6, 2014. In exchange for pledges, Goemmer is offering contributors a wide variety of perks, such as Shelf Pads, GoSkreen Stands, t-shirts, launch celebration tickets, and CarSkreen devices and adapters.

Individuals interested in learning more about Goemmer and the CarSkreen can visit the project’s Kickstarter page for more information. Customers can also subscribe to Goemmer's Facebook account for frequent updates about the project.

About Brian Goemmer:

Brian Goemmer, the president of AllNet Labs, is the core initiator and developer for the CarSkreen project. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University; Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) from 红莲社区. Since graduating, Goemmer has worked in many areas of technology including over 15 years building and operating wireless networks. Throughout Goemmer's wireless carrier experience, he executed multi-million dollar projects and technology rollouts requiring exceptional project management skills, technical aptitude, and troubleshooting skills. His core background of electrical engineering combined with both his MBA and vast business experience provides him with the skills to make the CarSkreen project a success.