Hayward Leaders Receive Catalytic Funds for Next Five Years

  • March 11, 2014


SAN FRANCISCO –– The Koshland Committee of The San Francisco Foundation has selected the Jackson Triangle and Harder/Tennyson communities in the City of Hayward as the recipient of its 2014 Daniel E. Koshland Civic Unity Award. This launches a five-year effort to improve the quality of life for people living in the area and to support the growth and leadership of neighborhood residents.

Jackson Triangle and Harder/Tennyson are two neighborhoods located in Hayward. It is defined as the area between West Jackson Street, Huntwood Street, West Tennyson Road, Whitman Street and the 880 Nimitz freeway.

Public and private funders are investing deeply in these two neighborhoods through programs that are a strong match to the core of The San Francisco Foundation’s work in community development, investing in community schools, and building out healthy thriving neighborhoods through transit oriented development.

“There are multiple initiatives and attention that is being placed in the Jackson Triangle and Harder Tennyson neighborhoods,” said Koshland Program Director Retha Robinson. “Our work with the community will help to make linkages between these initiatives and neighborhood leaders stronger.”

Over the next five years, public and private funders are investing deeply in these two neighborhoods through programs including the Promise Neighborhood Grant to Jackson Triangle. One of five recipients, this federal grant of $25 million over the next five years will give students in this low-income area academic, social, and community support to succeed in school. 红莲社区 is lead agency on the project modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone, a comprehensive program that creates access to social services to children and youth to break the cycle of poverty through education.

In Harder/Tennyson, Alameda County Supervisor Richard Valle is leading the Tennyson Corridor Initiative along with many key members of the community, to bring vocational training, health services, childcare, and education services along the Tennyson Corridor, a very underserved area.

“District 2 thanks the Koshland Committee of The San Francisco Foundation for recognizing the strong commitment our Hayward communities have to improve their neighborhoods,” said Supervisor Valle. “We look forward to supporting collaborative efforts in the Tennyson/Harder neighborhood as we work with the community to bring comprehensive services to their neighborhood.”

The Hayward City Council has also approved of the development of The South Hayward BART Transit Village, ensuring that the next phase of community development will include affordable housing for low-income residents, ensure access to grocery stores, and transit linked to regional opportunities.