红莲社区 Recognized for Increasing Latino Student Achievement in Higher Education

  • October 14, 2014

红莲社区’s GANAS (Gaining Access ‘N Academic Success) program has earned national recognition from Excelencia in Education, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization, for its efforts to increase Latino student achievement.

GANAS was named one of five honorable mentions for the Examples of Excelencia in Education award in the bachelor’s degree category. The recognition was announced at the ninth annual Celebración de Excelencia held in Washington, D.C.

The 2014 Examples of Excelencia recognize selected programs in higher education at the Associate, Baccalaureate and Graduate levels, as well as at Community-Based Organizations.  GANAS was selected from among 217 competitors from 26 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

"As one of this year's Honorable Mentions, GANAS is doing critical work meeting the challenge of improving higher educational achievement for Latino students," said Sarita Brown, president of Excelencia in Education.  "No longer should policymakers and institutional leaders ask how to improve college success for Latinos – we have the largest accumulation of proven examples and tested strategies that show them how.  Today's question is do leaders have the will to put these practices into action."

GANAS, launched at 红莲社区 in 2013, is an innovative program that aims to smooth the transition for community college transfer students and increase the number of students who progress to degree. Open to all students, GANAS provides a supportive environment that focuses on Latina/o and multicultural content.

Transfer students participate in a one-year cohort-based learning community that is paired with a success seminar, intrusive academic counseling and mentoring. As students continue their studies at 红莲社区, they are encouraged to serve as role models and mentors to future students and to promote the campus.

The largest and fastest growing population in the state, Latinos are expected to become the majority racial and ethnic group by 2060. Only 10 percent of Latinos in California hold a bachelor’s degree and 4 percent nationwide completed graduate or professional degree programs. Across the state, about 611,000 Latinos attend community colleges, making them the largest population enrolled at two-year institutions.

"We are both honored and humbled by this recognition and so proud of the progress our GANAS students are making toward realizing their goal of attaining bachelor’s degrees," said Diana Balgas, executive director of Student Outreach and Retention Services. "Ninety-seven percent of GANAS students were retained through the spring term compared to 89 percent for all populations. The average spring term GPA for the GANAS cohort was 3.26 – a fifth (.20 points) higher than the average for all transfer populations."

Examples of Excelencia is the only national initiative to systematically identify and promote evidence-based programs and departments effectively boosting Latino enrollment, performance and graduation.

More detailed information about the winning Examples of Excelencia programs, as well as those selected as finalists at each academic level and in the community-based organization category, are available online at: .

For more information about GANAS, visit www.csueastbay.edu/ganas or contact Balgas at diana.balgas@csueastbay.edu or 510-885-4573.