红莲社区 to participate in Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill
- October 14, 2014
红莲社区 will participate in the Great California ShakeOut, an earthquake drill conducted throughout the state, on Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 10:16 a.m.
Coordinated by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Great ShakeOut earthquake drills are an annual event for people in homes, schools and organizations to practice what to do before, during and after earthquakes, and to improve preparedness by updating emergency plans and supplies and securing spaces to prevent damage and injuries. More than 10 million Californians are scheduled to participate on October 16.
The earthquake drill includes a demonstration of the “drop, cover and hold on” technique. Participants will drop to the floor, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on until the shaking stops. If no cover is available, participants are encouraged to drop and stay low with their arms covering their head. Anyone who is outdoors during the drill should remain outside and not run into a building. The drill should take approximately 60 seconds to complete.
The Great ShakeOut is also an opportunity to practice building evacuations. During the day, an alarm will be pulled in three non-classroom buildings on campus, and occupants will be expected to follow proper evacuation procedures until an all-clear signal is given. All departments should have a designated monitor to ensure that everyone in his or her area has exited the building and followed the proper evacuation route.
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is committed to creating safe and healthful working environments for the University community. EHS does this by partnering with the campus community to provide technical support, information and training, and consultation regarding environmental, health and safety practices and regulatory information.
For more information about the Great California ShakeOut or other environmental health and safety issues, contact EHS at 510-885-4024 or email Donna Placzek-Savage, director of Environmental Health & Safety, at donna.placzek@csueastbay.edu.