CSUEB Ranked Among “California’s Best Online Colleges”


  • August 18, 2015

, with its growing list of online course offerings, has been recognized as one of the best online colleges in California by the website BestSchools.com. Of the 36 California colleges offering at least one fully online bachelor’s degree, CSUEB ranks No. 3, making it the highest ranked CSU campus on the list.

The website praised ’s online program for its rapid growth and future plans. CSUEB has nine online degree programs, including five bachelor’s programs and four master’s programs. The online bachelor’s program in hospitality and tourism was recently recognized by as one of the

“CSUEB is known throughout the CSU system and the west coast as a leader in offering online degree programs that are rigorous and affordable,” said Roger Wen, director of the university’s Online Campus. “Many faculty members are participating in course quality redesign programs to enhance and transform their curriculum so that CSUEB can continue to offer the best possible courses to our nationally recognized diverse student population.”

All online and hybrid degree programs at must be initiated and approved by college and university faculty committees, and are designed and taught by dedicated faculty, scholars and practitioners.

In addition to hospitality and tourism, CSUEB offers online bachelor’s degrees in business administration, ethnic studies, human development and recreation. Online master’s programs are available in education, educational leadership, health care administration, and recreation and tourism.