Communication with Key Consumers of Semester Conversion

- January 7, 2016
CSUEB is committed to providing information and engaging all of the CSUEB community in the process of Semester Conversion.
In December, staff information sessions were held in Hayward and Concord during which general information about Semester Conversion was presented and discussed. By their questions and engagement, it was clear that staff members are already knowledgeable and committed to positive student outcomes as we move forward. A has been added to the Semester Conversion website. Q&A for and is also available.
Over the next two quarters, freshmen students enrolled in general studies classes will receive a visit from the Office of Semester Conversion. The purpose of the visits will be to begin the process of communicating with the key consumer of semester conversion: our students. As the Co-Curricular Support and Student Advising Subcommittees of the Semester Conversion Steering Committee continue their work, these information sessions with students will begin the dialogue and engagement with the process of semester conversion.