红莲社区 Appoints Ombuds


Silvina Ituarte

  • July 27, 2016

Starting in September, 红莲社区 faculty and staff will have an independent, neutral resource for informal problem solving through the development of an on-campus ombuds. 

The addition is part of a larger change within the Office of University Diversity which starting in the fall will combine with the Leadership and Employee Enrichment Program to form a new Diversity, Leadership, and Employee Wellness department.

According to Dr. Silvina Ituarte, who will be filling the new role come fall, the Ombuds Services mission is to provide a safe place and impartial third party for “visitors” (faculty and staff) to talk with in confidence about a conflict, complaint or issue. Ituarte joined CSUEB in 2003 from Kean University in New Jersey, and has worked as a professor in the criminal justice department since then. 

She said the hope is that because the ombuds is impartial, visitors will speak candidly about their concerns without fear of reprisal. 

The office will follow the standards of practice as defined by the International Ombudsman Association. Employees are encouraged to visit the ombuds if they want to discuss a sensitive question or issue; if they feel there’s been miscommunication; if they have a concern about campus climate; if they feel they’ve been treated unfairly; or if they are unsure of where to go or what options exist to solve a problem.

The ombuds will listen, assist the visitor with identifying and evaluating options to resolve the issue, clarify university policies and procedures, and provide conflict-resolution coaching, among other things. Visiting the ombuds is voluntary, and the ombuds does not make binding decisions, suggest disciplinary actions or report visitor information to anyone.

Appointment scheduling with Dr. Ituarte can be done by phone by contacting Paris Winter at 510-885-7604. Her office will be located on campus in the library annex. More information about the ombuds office can be found at