A Message from CSUEB President Leroy M. Morishita About the 2016 Election

  • November 10, 2016

Like many of you, I stayed up late to watch the election coverage.  The outcomes of this election and its impact will take time to fully process. There is no doubt that the candidates were very different, and the results leave many of you with strong emotions.  I have heard from and spoken with many students, faculty and staff over the past two days about their feelings of disbelief, fear and anger.

First, whatever side you stand on, I want you to know that you are not alone. We are committed to social justice and equity, and tout our diversity as one of our strengths. With diversity comes an array of differing opinions and backgrounds.  Elections are times of great change, but they will not derail the progress we are making together here at 红莲社区.   We are today, and will remain, an inclusive institution that encourages expressing views and debate. We should never resort to intimidation or harassment towards those with differing opinions. While passions can run high in the heat of debate, we need to hold each other accountable for respecting contrasting views and backgrounds and maintain our most important attribute – providing a welcoming and safe community for all.  

Second, the campus has many resources for faculty, staff and students who are in need of assistance, desire conversation, or want to process the week’s events. The diversity center is hosting post-election conversations and discussions multiple times a week.  Student Health and Counseling is offering Post-Election Wellness Workshops throughout November with both drop-in and individual appointments available. At the RAW, students and members can use the Relaxation room for quiet reflection or meditation. I encourage all of you to help each other and reach out to others if they are feeling anxious or troubled and guide them to the help that they need.  

Lastly, our community survives by looking after each other.  Democracy is not easy. Change is difficult.  Only by working together can we advance our mission of welcoming and supporting a diverse student body to be socially responsible contributors to society. 

Please work with me to continue moving forward – this is what Pioneers do.

Leroy M. Morishita