An Important Message about the 2020 Census
- May 11, 2020
Dear Pioneers:
Before we end the academic year, we encourage you to complete the 2020 Census. In March, you should have received an invitation by mail to complete this simple, confidential 9-question survey that you can answer online, over the phone, or by paper questionnaire. We have both availed ourselves of this opportunity and ask that you please complete your Census questionnaire right now if you haven’t done so already by visiting: .
The Census, a constitutionally-mandated headcount of every person living in the United States and U.S. territories, happens once every 10 years. Census data dictates congressional representation and determines how billions in federal funding will be distributed over the next 10 years in areas such as school safety, the Federal Pell Grant Program, mental health services, and student wellness programs, to name a few that impact us. Check out what 红莲社区 students have to say about the importance of the Census .
Here are some important facts to keep in mind:
- You provide your name, address, sex, race, ethnicity, age, and whether you own or rent your home.
- You self-identify in regard to race, ethnicity and gender.
- You count everyone in your home, including any friends or family members who are living and sleeping there most of the time.
- The Census Bureau will never ask about your citizenship status, or for sensitive information like your social security number, bank accounts, or payments/donations.
- The Census Bureau will never reach out to you on behalf of a political party.
- The Census Bureau will never share your information. Your responses are protected by law and cannot be shared with, or used by, any other government agencies. Answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes, to determine eligibility for government benefits or immigration enforcement.
The Census asks where you were living as of April 1, 2020. Because of COVID-19, some of you have traveled to another home. With that in mind, below are some important updates:
- For faculty, staff, and students who normally live near campus but have relocated further away from campus due to the COVID-19 mandates, complete the Census as if you were still in your usual near-campus location.
- For students who live(d) on campus, the university has already arranged with the US Census Bureau to ensure that you are counted on campus. No further action is required on your part.
Further information can be found on the Alameda County Complete Count Committee website as well as on the State of California’s official Census website .
Thank you. Be well, be kind, be counted, and know that we will get through this together.
Leroy M. Morishita, President
Daisy Maxion, ASI President