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Student, faculty dance through Rockridge BART on annual 'Dance Anywhere Day'

Dancers performing.

Dancers perform at Rockridge BART station.

  • April 1, 2010 10:00am

We're accustomed to seeing street performers sing and play instruments, stand stark still, juggle bowling balls, or pop out of the bushes, but what about breaking into dance?

Theatre and Dance Assistant Professor Eric Kupers of Oakland, and Kimiko Guthrie, theatre and dance lecturer of Oakland, directed a segment for the annual "Dance Anywhere Day" March 26. Their performance by members of the Dandelion Dancetheater – including CSUEB student Keith Penney, a senior in physics who lives in Hayward – was at the Rockridge BART station.

"Dance Anywhere Day" was conceived by San Franciscan Beth Fein in 2004 when she and friends danced at Grant and Geary streets in San Francisco. The celebration has now gone international, with reports of people as far away as Estonia participating. This was the sixth time Dandelion has been a participant.

If you missed the BART performance, you can catch the clip that ran on KTVU News at:

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