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Farid Younos to present paper on 'Official Islamophobia' at Islamic Justice & Peace Conference

Head shot of lecturer

Farid Younos

  • September 9, 2010 10:00am

Farid Younos, lecturer in the departments of sociology and social services, and human development and women’s studies, has been invited to present a paper concerning “Official Islamophobia” at the Second Annual Islamic Leadership Justice and Peace Conference in Dublin, Ireland Sept. 28-30.

“Official Islamophobia became an important issue and caused much radicalism in the Muslim world because Muslim governments are not implementing an Islamic agenda for their nations," said Younos.

In his presentation he will explore the causes and reasons of official Islamophobia, and the role of Ulema (Muslim scholars) that led to current conditions. He also will suggest ways that Muslim societies can gain the trust of non-Muslim governments, eventually leading to peace and justice for world communities.

The conference is an opportunity for Islamic leaders, Muslim academics, activists and leaders-in-waiting to learn from each other, to share experiences, to face up to the difficult questions such as those of the Middle East, of modernity, of engagement with other faiths, of engagement with mass media, and of integration in non-Muslim societies.

A total of 16 papers will be presented at the conference. Approximately 80 persons attended the first conference.


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