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Campus spirit for Homecoming starts with office decorating

home coming 09 flyer

home coming 09 flyer

  • January 25, 2011 3:30pm

Get ready for some interesting office decor the next few weeks on campus as Homecoming 2011 nears.

This year's Homecoming office decorating contest will have two divisions.  Contest entrants may decorate either their office or just their office door.

Larger departments are encouraged to decorate their offices.   

Judging of office decorations will take place Tuesday, Feb. 1 on the Hayward and Concord campuses.  Judging will be based on the best demonstration of the Homecoming theme, which is "red & black attack, as well as creativity and the use of school colors.   

Prizes will be awarded to the winning departments for both categories            

Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during half time festivities of the women's basketball game Thursday, Feb. 3. Tipoff for that game is 5:30 p.m. At least one person from the winning offices must be present to collect your prize.  

To enter your department, please send your name, department, campus address. and if you are entering the office or the office door contest to Eileen Tarrell at eileen.tarrell@csueastbay.edu by end of business on Monday, Jan. 31.  


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