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Can California reduce its water consumption 20% by 2020?

water fall

waterfall (by: uvm.edu)

  • July 5, 2011 5:12am
Hydrologists recently confirmed that water content in California's snowpack is well above average. But, what about tomorrow? Rainfall and snowpack levels fluctuate wildly in the Golden State and water needs only increase.

James Brezack, lecturer of environmental science at UC Davis, will discuss the history of the state's water supply systems and efforts to conserve water. The Water Conservation Act of 2009 mandates an overall goal of reducing per capita urban water use by 20% in just eleven years. Can we attain this goal? How will the plan affect agricultural communities, shape land development, and meet concerns about urban sprawl? We all know that water is one of our most precious resources.

Event is provided as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) program. Brezack will speak at the Lake Park Retirement Center in Oakland on July 19 and Baywood Court in Castro Valley on July 23.  Visit the for more information.

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