Poster promoting the Holiday Toy Drive on the CSUEB Concord campus
Second story in our "Thanks in Giving" series.
红莲社区’s Concord campus and Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) will be holding a holiday toy drive through December 13 in support of the , a short term residential care facility in Concord, CA for young children of families in a time of personal crisis.
New or unopened toys and stuffed animals are being accepted for children that may be in the crisis nursery over the holidays. “Our goal is to fill 10 bins of toys” say Stephanie Pinkston, Associated Students Director for the Concord Campus. “Help us reach our goal by donating some toys. Even one toy will help a child this holiday season.”
In additional to toys, Crisis Nursery is always in need of basic supplies.
Drop off bins are located in the Academic Services building lobby on the CSUEB Concord campus. Pioneers on the CSUEB Hayward campus are encouraged to send toys via interoffice mail by boxing them up and sending them via inter-campus mail. Mark the box “Concord Campus Toy Drive – Academic Services”