During one of the American Language Program’s Special Hour events, ALP student Vivian Xu enjoys a slice of lasagna after learning about Italian culture and language.
It’s a typical Wednesday afternoon at CSUEB’s (ALP) office and students are gathering around to listen to instructor Cynthia DiLeo-Tsuno’s discuss Italian language and culture. The smell of cheesy lasagna is in the air as students learn the words to the “Happy Birthday” song in Italian.
This presentation is just one in a series of teacher-centered presentations happening this quarter through the ALP Special Hour event, which runs through March 5 and takes place in the ALP office from 2 to 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. The event features a different topic and instructor each week, with topics ranging from blues music to English high tea. Following each presentation, participants can enjoy a tasty treat related to the topic of discussion.
The weekly gathering not only allows students to get to know their teachers outside the classroom, but also promotes authentic conversations among students and teachers.
“I enjoy being in a relaxed environment and practicing my learning and listening skills,” said ALP student Vivian Xu, who traveled to CSUEB from China last July and regularly attends the Special Hour events.
CSUEB’s ALP offers a range of high-quality programs for students from all over the world, including diploma, certificate and graduate preparation programs, in addition to the Intensive English Program.
Although the majority of students in attendance are part of ALP’s Intensive English Program, the event is open to all students interested in expanding their cultural awareness.
Next Wednesday, ALP Special Hour will celebrate Valentine’s Day with Valentine card making and cookies.
For more information on the ALP Special Hour events, contact the ALP office at 510-885-2358.
--Erin Merdinger