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This is a reminder to all 红莲社区 students who do not yet have health insurance that the deadline is Monday, March 31, to enroll through Covered California, also referred to as "Covered CA."
The Affordable Care Act requires that every person have health insurance coverage.
"Covered CA" is the new online marketplace for affordable, quality health insurance. At you can:
It is very likely that students will be eligible for one of two low-cost or free health insurance options. Some students and their families will be eligible for substantial assistance in paying health insurance premiums if they purchase insurance through Covered California. Depending on their income and the type of coverage they select, insurance may cost students and their families as little as $5 to $10 a month.
The CSU Health Insurance Education Project (HIEP) is a joint CSU/CSULA project to educate CSU students, their families and campus staffs about the new health insurance law and the opportunity it offers many in the CSU community to get affordable health insurance.
Questions about the CSU Health Insurance Education projects can be directed via e-mail to or via the Web site .
-- Barry Zepel