FAQs During Shelter-at-Home

Q: Can I work on my research project?
A: The shelter in place order may impact many research, scholarship, and creative activities.

  • Research on campus, at other facilities, or in the field was suspended since travel restrictions and state and county shelter-in-place orders are in effect. If you have questions about conducting your project or program, please contact ORSP staff.
  • If the level of effort that you or your project team can provide is impacted, please let ORSP Post-Award know now. The ORSP team can work with you to revise committed effort level, appointments, budget revisions, or no-cost extensions, as needed.
  • If you, your student employees, or other CSU employee collaborators cannot work because of COVID-19-related causes, please update ORSP and Human Resources.
  • The impact of the current COVID-19 event on human subjects research may be significant.  Please click here for a memo from IRB Chair Kevin Brown regarding human subjects research.  Please note that during the current shelter-in-place order, no travel by researchers or participants is permitted. Only essential travel is allowable.
  • As activities begin returning to campus in small numbers with safety precautions in place and as allowed by county orders, please continue to review the campus guidance. For questions about specific research activities in campus labs, please contact your Chair or Dean. For general questions about sponsored research activities, please contact ORSP staff.

Q: Will campus research labs be accessible to students during this period to continue with on-going research and thesis work?
A: Some campus facilities may be accessible, with approval. Please check with your faculty mentor.


Q: What if I work as a student assistant on campus?
A: Student assistants may not need to come to campus.  Please continue to review the campus updates: COVID-19  and  Academic Affairs Student Information


Q: What if I am a student scheduled to work on a grant-funded project during this time frame, but cannot do my work because I cannot travel or I don’t have the resources I need to complete the work?
A: Students working on grant-funded projects should contact the Principal Investigator of the project or the supervisor the student reports to for updates and options available to you.  Please also review the campus updates: COVID-19  and  Academic Affairs Student Information.


 Q: Are Principal Investigator (PI) and Researcher training sessions planned?

A: This Fall 2020 the Back-to-the-Bay! professional development event sponsored by Academic Affairs, Office of Faculty Development/Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching, and the Office of the Online Campus occurred online as planned.  Specific PI and Researcher training sessions will be scheduled and announced throughout the Academic Year, including Using Cayuse IRB (for Human Subject protocol submissions), Responsible Conduct of Research, and more.  PI and Researcher training is also available anytime through the and ORSP.


Q: How do I file my Conflict of Interest form 700U, NIH, or NSF?

A: During COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place, Investigator Conflict of Interest forms must still be submitted when due. The forms can be submitted by AdobeSign or scanned and submitted by email, but you must also send an original form signed with "wet" (actual) signature to ORSP as soon as possible.  I

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs红莲社区25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard
Hayward, CA 94542

If questions, please contact ORSP staff.

Q: What about my Faculty Support Grant (FSG); will the performance period be extended?
A: Yes. ORSP worked with Academic Affairs to extend the deadline to December 18, 2020. ORSP will not be able to increase the FSG budgets, but are happy to consider budget revisions. Additional FSG information is found on the Faculty Support Grant site.

Q: Can I request a no cost extension to move the end date of my federally-sponsored award without changing the budget or requested amount? 

A: In most cases, yes.  If your award was active between March 31, 2020 - December 31, 2020, you may request a 1-year no-cost extension.  If your federally-funded grant is impacted and you need to request a no-cost extension or you have questions, please contact ORSP as soon as possible.


Q: Should I contact ORSP to request the no cost extension for my federally-sponsored grant now?

A: Yes, please contact ORSP now to discuss your project situation.


Q: I don't think I need a no-cost extension, but I need to reduce my effort on the grant for now and increase it in a future time period, what should I do?  

A: Please contact ORSP now to discuss and process your change of effort on your project.


Links to Agency Updates

Council on Government Relations 

t-Using Dept of Ed grant funds during COVID-19 outbreak.
for schools and school personnel
  • ORSP and University Advancement staff are reviewing the statuses of grants funded by philanthropic and corporate sources. If you have any specific questions about your grant award or pending proposal please contact susan.wageman@csueastbay.edu

Q. I need to reduce my effort on my state-funded grant for now and increase it in a future time period, what should I do?  

A: Please contact ORSP now to discuss and process your change of effort on your project.


 State Agency Links:



Q: Is my grant proposal due date still in effect?
A: Most federal, state, and local agencies have extended proposal deadlines and due dates. Links to common agency announcements are provided below. If you do not see yours on the list, please let ORSP know and we will help confirm deadlines for you.

Q. Who should I contact if I have questions about my proposal?

A. For proposals please contact the following:

  Government Grants: chantal.ebarle@csueastbay.edu

  Philanthropic and Corporate Grants: susan.wageman@csueastbay.edu


Q: Where can students get help if they are experiencing stress, anxiety or other mental wellness issues?

A: The Student Health Center will remain open.  To contact the Student Health Center call (510)-885-3735.  If a student suspects they have been exposed to the corona virus or is experiencing symptoms, they should call the Student Health Center or their medical provider.

Q: Where can faculty and staff get help if they are experiencing stress, anxiety, or other mental wellness issues?  
A: CSU EB Human Resources can be reached at (510) 885-3634. CSU EB has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that may be able to help, 1-800-366-7474