Frequently Asked Questions


“How can I get tutoring help?” “Is the Library open?” “How do I sign up for a payment plan?” are some of the questions students ask daily.  If PioneerChat doesn't’t have an answer, a human helper will review it.
PioneerChat will also send you messages throughout the semester about upcoming dates, important announcements, surveys, and services to keep you connected to campus life.
A welcome message sent to your mobile phone will grant you access. From then on, you can interact using the same phone number from the initial text.
Only approved staff can see your PioneerChat messages so they can provide further support if needed.
Yes! We take data security very seriously. It is also forbidden from selling any information to advertisers or any other third parties.

You can opt-out from PioneerChat at anytime texting #pause or #stop. 

If you update your mobile phone number, please email and let us know your new contact. We will send you a new welcome message shortly.
Text messages to PioneerChat are the same as any other text you send to a friend. If your service plan doesn't’t include unlimited texting, take this into consideration when using  PioneerChat.

Contact Us

For more information about the PioneerChat at 红莲社区, please contact