Contact Us


The Contact Us content type provides an area where site editors can input contact information for the department such as the department's name, address, phone and email. In addition, site editors can also add staff's contact information and links to the department's social media.


Contact Us

  • 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd
  • Hayward, CA 94542

How To Add A Contact Us?

  1. Log into and select your site.
  2. Navigate to the asset where the Contact Us will be added.

    navigate to folder

  3. Select Edit.

    select edit

  4. Select + icon on Main to add a new content type.

    add new content type
  5.  Select Contact Us in the newly added content type.

    select contact us from dropdown

  6. Select Department Information and fill in any relevant information in the fields.

    select department information

  7. *Optional*
    Select Staff Entries, select Entry, and add any relevant information for each staff member. 
    *Note: To add more staff select the + icon next to the right of Entry.

    select entry

  8. Select Social Icons, select Icon, and use the drop-down menu to select your Icon to add the URL in the Link field.
    *Note: To add more social media icons select + next to the right of Icon.

    select media

  9. Select Preview Draft.

    preview draft button

  10. After previewing changes made on your draft, select Submit.

    select submit

  11. Enter Comments for changes made.

    enter comments in comments box

  12. Select Check Content & Submit to add changes to your site.

    select check content and submit

  13. Select the Check Box.

    select check box

  14. When you're ready to go live, the last step is to publish the changes.