Response to the CTC Common Standards

Referenced Documents and Links

Standard 1 Element 1

  1. The 红莲社区 Professional Education Unit's Mission, Vission, and Values
  2. Description of the Research Base for Our Mission/Vision/Values
  3. Accreditation 2018 Website
  4. Websites and Handbooks for Our Credential Programs

Standard 1 Element 2

  1. Table 1-2: Stakeholders Involved in Organization, Coordination, and Decision Making

Standard 1 Element 3

  1. Table 1-2: Stakeholders Involved in Organization, Coordination, and Decision Making
  2. Faculty Participation in Schools
  3. CEAS Retention, Tenure, and Promotion: Department Guidelines for Professional Achievement
  4. 红莲社区 Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policies and Procedures
  5. Minutes of the Campus Committee on Professional K-12 Education (CCPK-12E)
  6. Minutes of Program Advisory Councils
  7. Faculty Profiles: Grants, Publications, Presentations
  8. Student Teaching MOUs
  9. Internship MOUs
  10. Institute for STEM Education Board of Directors Roster and Minutes

Standard 1 Element 6

  1. 2016-2017 Lecturer Position Descriptions
  2. Tenure Track Faculty Position Searches, 2015-2016, 2016-2017
  3. Table 1-6: Gender and Ethnicity of Credential Program Faculty, Fall 2016
  4. Agendas and Supporting Documents: CEAS Tenure-Track Faculty Meetings

Standard 1 Element 7

  1. Candidate Evaluation of Course Instructor Blank Forms
  2. Candidate Evaluation of Field Supervisor Blank Evaluation Forms
  3. Samples of Annual Periodic Review of Lecturers
  4. 2016-2017 Lecturer Position Descriptions
  5. Tenure Track Faculty Position Searches, 2015-2016, 2016-2017
  6. Faculty Participation in the Schools
  7. Faculty Profiles: Grants, Publications, Presentations

Standard 1 Element 8

  1. Description of the Credential Recommendation Process

Standard 2 Element 1

  1. Links to Credential Program Handbooks/Websites with Admission Requirements

Standard 2 Element 2

  1. 2017 Candidate Diversity Recruitment Plan
  2. Description of Candidate Advisement and Assistance
  3. Credential Program Admission Advisement Sessions, Schedules and Agendas
  4. Table 2-2a: List of Personnel Assigned to Support, Advise, and Place Candidates
  5. Credential Program Candidate Progress Checklists
  6. Table 2-2b: Gender and Ethnicity of Program Candidates, Fall and Summer 2016 Entry
  7. Candidate Improvement Plan

Standard 4 Element 1

  1. Table 4-1: Graphic Depiction of the Unit Assessment System

Standard 4 Element 2

  1. Table 4-2a: Annotated List of Unit and Program Data Sources
  2. Table 4-2b: Multi-Year Unit Assessment Cycle Schedule
  3. Unit Continuous Improvement Model
  4. Unit Level Data (Including All Surveys)
  5. Program Level Data

Standard 5 Element 2

  1. Description of Positive Program Impact
  2. Survey Data
  3. Anecdotal Evidence of Program Impact