Planning Process
Future Directions project goal
Facilitate process that builds from areas of strength, promise and opportunity to create a Future Directions Plan that will guide the future of 红莲社区 for the next five years.
The Future Directions process outline was presented to 红莲社区 communities the week of Sept. 20, 2021.
Step 1: Preparation-Getting Started (August 2021)
- Develop and Refine Process
- Meet with Key Individuals and Groups
- Create Subcommittees (as necessary)
- Develop Guiding Statements
- Conduct Research
- Review Documents
- Create communication plan for internal and external outreach
Step 2: Bringing Everyone on Board (September 2021)
- Town Halls and small group discussions
Step 3: Research-Discovering the Dots (September 2021)
- Internal conversations
- External conversations
- Community
- Educational
- Corporate leaders
- Data
- Demographics
- Workforce needs
- Student interests
- Competition
Step 4: Refine Core Values, Vision, Mission, and Identify Potential Strategic Goals (Sept./Oct. 2021)
- Future Directions committee works with the 红莲社区 community to discussion and review drafts of:
- Core Values, Vision, Mission
- Strengths
- Needs/Opportunities
- Major Forces
- Planning Assumptions
- Top Strategic Priorities/Goals
- Future Directions creates a cross-departmental Task Force for each Strategic Priority/Goal
Step 5: Formulate Desired Outcomes-Charting the Course (Dec. 2021-Jan. 2022)
- Task Force groups identify desired outcomes, share and receive feedback
- Begin work on strategy development
Step 6: Determine the Strategies (Feb./Mar. 2022)
- Task forces to select one-three strategies that are most important to achieve desired outcomes
- The strategies selected will be:
- Organized around goals
- Work across organizational and campus lines
- Emphasis on “big ideas”
- Strategies are elaborated expressions of an idea
- Intro and Background
- Basic Elements and Description
- Models
Step 7: Review, Announce, Celebrate-Beginning the Journey (April 2022)
- Future Directions committee completes plan
- Proofread
- Name
- Posts on-line
- Summary suitable for PR/Fundraising
- PowerPoint presentation
- University Communications & Marketing develops communications plan