
Ways To Support

The 红莲社区 University Library promotes student and faculty success by providing comprehensive and convenient access to the scholarly record. The library teaches students how to become information literate citizens who will continue to learn throughout their lives. It also serves as a hub of academic support on campus by providing an engaging environment for study and an integrated suite of student services. University Library will transform in the next few years with the completion of the CORE Building.

Artist's rendering of CORE building

CORE Building

The CORE Building is under construction and, once completed, will become a center for learning, engagement and collaboration in the heart of 红莲社区’s hilltop campus. The CORE’s 21st-century academic library will teach students how to navigate the information age economy and become self-directed learners. The Student Center for Academic Achievement, located on the top floor, will focus on providing the skills needed for student inquiry, development and research. And, its Hub for Entrepreneurship — prominently placed on the ground floor — will provide a nexus for students and faculty to explore innovations that will propel the creative economy into the next generation and beyond.

Four students work on project in the library

Student Success & Equity

The library is committed to the success of our diverse student population. We are engaged in several initiatives to improve the graduation rate of our underrepresented students. We support:

  • Student Technology Lending gives students access to laptops and other equipment they need to succeed
  • Our Equity and Open Access Librarian develops programing to make the library a welcoming and engaging environment for underrepresented minorities
  • Open Educational Resources give students access to free textbooks
  • Our Collection Diversity project is addressing historical biases and gaps in our library collection
Books in a library

The Library Collection Endowment

The Library Collection Endowment was established in 2004 by pulling together funds received in the past for the purpose of supplementing the Library Collection Fund. It is used to purchase library materials in any subject field at the discretion of the University Librarian, in consultation with the Collection Development Librarian. 

Front of the busy library with people coming and going

The Floyd R. Erickson Endowment for Special Collections

Established in 2006 by Floyd R. Erickson to purchase materials for Special Collections. Mr. Erickson was the founding Library Director of the University, when the University first opened its doors in 1959. He was responsible for creating the Library’s Special Collections with the purchase of Dr. Henry Hart’s personal research papers and other materials, which include many rare books. Since that time, many additions have been made to the materials in the Floyd R. Erickson Special Collections room.

Contact Us

Jen Ripley, Director of Development for the University Library, is pleased to help you identify how you can make a difference for our students. 

There are many ways to make your gift, including through gifts of stocks, gifts-in-kind and planned gifts. Plus, our students from the Pioneer Calling program reach out to alumni and friends each semester. 

Unrestricted gifts can also be donated to the Library's Leadership Fund – these provide the flexibility to address the University library's highest and most immediate needs, and to seize new opportunities as they arise.


Phone: 510-885-4035