HPN Early Learning and Parenting Programs
Current research confirms that children learn best when they experience a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities that incorporate a child’s individual strengths, needs, and interests starting at birth. HPN partners provide a holistic approach to health, education, and social services available to HPN families.
Some programs restrict enrollment or reserve spaces for families in HPN who live in the Tennyson-Harder neighborhood or attend a partner school (Tyrrell Elementary, Russ Elementary, Glassbrook Elementary, Chavez Middle, Tennyson High)
- Community Counseling Clinic - 红莲社区
- CCC offers free counseling and professional training at cal state east bay. See csueastbay.edu/ccc/index.html for more information.
- Early Learning + Teen Parent Programs -
- Hayward Unified School District offers a free part-day state preschool program for HUSD families who are income-eligible. See for more information.
- Home Visitation Nurse -
- Alameda County Public Health Department contributes a dedicated public health nurse to HPN families. Contact Arelis Sandoval, (510) 670-8456 or arelis.sandoval@acgov.org for more information.
- Parent Promise Academy -
- 10-week Spanish/English parenting education and support program with children ages 0-8. Contact Serena Michel at serenam@4c-alameda.org or go to
- Promotores de Salud -
- Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center trains HPN residents in leadership and health advocacy. See for more information.
- Toddler Play & Learn -
- Bilingual playgroup program for kids aged 18 months to 4 years. Contact playgroup@4c-alameda.org or go to
- Early Learning Programs -
- In the HUSD Early Learning Program, children play, explore, investigate, are appropriately challenged, and have opportunities to be successful in the context of caring and supportive relationships. The program is inclusive of all children and reflects the child’s family and community cultures. A primary goal is Kindergarten and life-long learning readiness.
- Kristina Adams, (510) 723-3880 x26102 or kadams@husd.k12.ca.us
- Early Childhood Behavioral Support (PreK) -
- HUSD has contracted with the SPARK (Successful Preschool Adjustment and Readiness for Kindergarten program at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland. SPARK staff collaborates with Early Childhood educators at Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, and Kindergarten levels to provide in-class professional development support to staff working with students requiring early behavioral intervention support.
- Early Childhood Behavioral Supports (K-6): A behaviorist is being funded by HPNs funds to serve students at all 3 elementary schools.
- Rose Messina, rose.messina@ucsf.edu
- Health Screening and Follow-up Services -
- Offers student and family support related to vision treatments to help in early identification
- of students ages 3 - 5 needing vision care and support with vision screening, optometry services, free prescriptions for eyeglasses, and follow-up vision checks for students with at-risk vision problems.
- Kristina Adams, (510) 723-3880 or kadams@husd.k12.ca.us
- Early Childhood Development Program -
- Chabot College Early Education (ECD) provides Spanish-speaking classes, Saturday preschool, and extra outreach and support for South Hayward students, including career support and job placements in the neighborhood.
- Terra Lee, (510) 723-7629 or tlee@chabotcollege.edu